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word of the day

The word for today is…

meritorious (adjective):
: deserving of honor or esteem

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : People who demonstrate meritorious behavior certainly “earn” our respect, and you can use that fact to remember that meritorious comes from the Latin verb merere, which means “to earn.” Nowadays, the rewards earned for meritorious acts are likely to be of an immaterial nature: gratitude, admiration, praise, etc. But that wasn’t always so. The history of meritorious recalls a reward more concrete in nature: money. In Latin, meritorious literally means “bringing in money.”

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The Lantern’s Light Has Dimmed

The Lantern’s Light Has Dimmed

Andrew Coster is off to another cushy taxpayer funded trough – one where his particular brand of sopping-wet wokeness will fit right in. He should have been sacked outright, but here we are.

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