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word of the day

The word for today is…

ramshackle (adjective):

1 : appearing ready to collapse
2 : carelessly or loosely constructed

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Ramshackle has nothing to do with rams, nor the act of being rammed, nor shackles. The word is an alteration of ransackled, an obsolete form of the verb ransack, meaning “to search through or plunder.” (Ransack comes from Old Norse words meaning “house” and “seek.”) A home that has been ransacked has had its contents thrown into disarray, and that image may be what inspired people to start using ramshackle in the first half of the 19th century to describe something that is poorly constructed or in a state of near collapse. Ramshackle in modern use can also be figurative, as in “a ramshackle excuse for the error.”

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