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The word for today is…

trivial (adjective):

1a : of little worth or importance
b : relating to or being the mathematically simplest case specifically : characterized by having all variables equal to zero
2 : commonplace, ordinary

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :Trivial comes from a Latin word meaning “crossroads”—that is, where three roads come together. Since a crossroads is a very public place where all kinds of people might show up, trivialis came to mean “commonplace” or “vulgar.” Today the English word has changed slightly in meaning and instead usually describes something barely worth mentioning. Mathematicians use the word to refer to the mathematically simplest case, but the rest of us tend to use it just to mean “unimportant.” “Small talk” at a party, for example, is usually trivial conversation. To trivialize something is to treat it as if it doesn’t matter, as if it is just another triviality.

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