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The word for today is…

melancholia (noun):

1 : severe depression characterized especially by profound sadness and despair
2 : a sad quality or mood

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology :Melancholia traces back to Greek melan- (“black, dark”) and chole (“bile”). Medical practitioners once adhered to the system of humors—bodily fluids that included black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm. An imbalance of these humors was thought to lead to disorders of the mind and body. One suffering from an excess of black bile (believed to be secreted by the kidneys or spleen) could become sullen, unsociable, and liable to depression. Today, doctors no longer ascribe physical and mental disorders to disruptions of the four humors, but the word melancholia is still used in psychiatry as a general term for despondency.

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