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The Big Lie of ‘Trans Genocide’

Image credit The BFD.

The latest Big Lie of the tranny movement and its enablers is that there is a so-called “trans genocide”. Of course, when you believe that women can have penises and men can get pregnant, you’ve deranged yourself to the point of believing almost anything. But, “trans genocide” is a stretch, even for demented nutjobs like Sanjana Hattotuwa, who recently claimed that “the vitriol directed at the trans community could be described as ‘genocidal’.”

And credentialled cretins like Hattotuwa can generously be described as “barking mad”. Because, like the rest of the lies of the tranny mob, the “genocide” claim falls apart under the least scrutiny.

In fact, if anyone is acting “genocidal”, it’s the chicks-with-dicks who are not only violently hell-bent on driving the real chicks from public life, but doing everything to harm the children they’ve co-opted into their cult.

What is genocide?

The term genocide typically brings up images from intolerable injustices committed against various groups in history. The most pronounced being the Holocaust committed against the European Jewish people by the Nazis in Germany. This is because the term genocide was explicitly defined as a result of the Holocaust during the Geneva Convention in 1948-1949.

The Geneva Conventions are pretty clear: “genocide” is not just feeling a bit miffed because lesbians don’t want to touch your “girl-dick”, or because women are a bit antsy about being dubbed “birthing persons” or “people who menstruate”.

Genocide, in fact, encompasses two, related elements:

The very first part includes the mental element of intent. There are two parts to this mental element. The first is the intent to destroy. The second is the definition of what kind of group is being targeted, specifically religious, ethnic, racial, or national group.

Are trans people a religious, ethnic, racial, or national group?

Intent is already very difficult to determine, and as mentioned in the definition of genocide is the most difficult to prove. Is the intent of many of these lawmakers to completely eliminate “trans” individuals? If you look into the motive behind many laws being passed, the people proposing these bills state that they intend to protect children from sexually explicit content that they are not old enough to be able to handle […]

You certainly wouldn’t want to show a child pornographic material, would you? Is protecting children from adult material attempting to erase trans people?

So, unless tranny activists want to come out and admit that they really do want to groom children, the laws being passed in US states come nowhere near a genocidal intent against trans people.

Then there’s the physical element. Once again, the facts just don’t stack up in favour of the “genocide” claim.

The physical element includes five acts that meet the conditions of genocide. There are a few that can be eliminated automatically. The first is killing trans people. There is no group in the US that makes a deliberate attempt to kill trans people. The second that can be dismissed is causing serious body or mental harm to a group. There is no group that intends to cause serious bodily or mental harm to trans people.

Then there are the mendacious, fact-free claims that declining to subject children to chemical sterilisation and stunted development, and/or surgical mutilation, is going to drive them to suicide.

Is this true? One of the largest studies of its kind says it isn’t true. The Swedish study found that suicidality remained virtually constant at every stage of transition from the initiation of hormones to after surgical procedures.

Recently, reports out of the UK from Tavistock clinics have indicated that these treatments aren’t helpful either […]

If “gender affirming care” doesn’t work, is pushing for “gender affirming care” pushing for suicide?

Other “physical elements” of genocide are “Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group” and “Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”

Cross-sex hormone therapy has a known risk to permanently and irreversibly damage the reproductive systems of individuals undergoing these treatments […]

Some parents are now having their children taken from them for not pursuing the gender affirming model […] California senator Scott Wiener authored a law that will take in families of trans identifying children who are seeking “gender affirming care.” The bill will also take children into custody of the state to allow for them to seek out medical transition.

Canadian and Australian authorities are also removing children from their parents for declining to submit their children to the trans cult.

But, if one could prove intent, who is actually committing acts that would qualify as genocide?

Who is promoting treatments that don’t prevent suicide in trans people while simultaneously calling treatments that help trans people “conversion therapy”?

Who is promoting treatments that eliminate and prevent births and pregnancies in trans individuals?

Who is removing children from families who question if these treatments are worth the harmful side effects?

The Paradox Institute

Don’t expect the likes of Sanjana Hattotuwa to answer that one honestly.
