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The Biggest Threat to Women’s Rights

Iron fist in a velvet glove. Cartoon credit: SonovaMin. The BFD.

Emmy Griffin

Emmy Griffin is a Chicago native who now resides in the South. As a former educator, she has had the opportunity to teach all grade levels K-12. The passion that drove her during teaching — the love of her students and the people they are becoming — is the same drive behind her writing for The Patriot Post. She is a mother, avid reader, and podcast listener who is always striving to learn.

Reprinted from PA Pundits – International

Why are women falling for this awful and corrupt ideology?

Women are being uniquely targeted by the transgender ideology movement. Those who can’t be convinced that they may actually be men are either bullied into silence or emotionally manipulated into supporting it. For many, this seems incomprehensible. How are these women being talked into something that is clearly against their own interests?

Well, it starts with how women are wired. Women are social creatures. Friends and community are important to us and help us relate to the world. Women are very influenced by the people around them. In the days before the smartphone and the Internet, girls had friend groups and were able to interact with other girls face to face. Those friends, for good or ill, would be the necessary sounding board for all of life’s intricacies. The differences between the beauty queens and the ugly ducklings were less. At the end of the day, we were all women and all human. This is important to note because all the varieties of femininity ranging from tomboy to prom queen came with their own amount of social capital and therefore power.

That is not so much the case these days.

It is absolutely ironic that Gen Z has been the “best-behaved” generation. Fewer of them have smoked, drank, and experimented with drugs or sex than teens in generations past. They are the generation of helicopter parents. However, this generation was also the first to grow up with the Internet in their pockets. They didn’t have to experience things in the real world. They could watch it on screens. With a limited and isolated amount of social community, they have been robbed of their peer sounding board. That is why we are seeing the ease with which this social contagion of transgenderism infects the minds and souls of this generation.

Identity Boxes

What is a woman? That’s a question even women are struggling to answer. What about our biology is so special and uniquely different from men? What makes someone a woman?

The answer is simple: an adult human female, most often with the capability of bearing and producing offspring. It has nothing to do with feelings, activities, intelligence, or affinity. Biology is biology.

Gender ideology preaches divorce between body and soul. If you are a girl who happens to be sporty, practical, or in any way share the same interests as men, leftists declare that you might be “trans.” Just like that, gone are the tomboys. Being a women means being a catty, vapid bimbo who wears dresses and pink and would do anything for a man. Not only is this incredibly sexist, it limits womanhood to shallow stereotypes and muddies it. That confusion and chaos is the point.

This limiting box on womanhood and femininity is absurd, but the lie has embedded itself deep inside today’s women.

At the heart of it is a deep hatred for the woman who is secure in who she is. The implicit messaging marketed to women and girls by this ideology is that they are worthless sheep unless they identify as some form of the alphabet soup or are open celebratory allies of this cult. In some situations, it’s the only way they are able to make friends.

But this ideology does not bring the promised freedom. It brings a more stifling social cage with its own more rigorous rules and promises that never deliver.

Avoiding Puberty

Puberty is not an easy transition for anyone. For girls, on top of the normal fluctuation of hormones and acne, there is breast development and menstruation to add in to the calculation of everyday life.

Girls are starting puberty earlier and earlier, inviting the male gaze at younger and younger ages. The average age for the onset of puberty in girls is 8-13 years of age. In the 1860s, puberty onset was typically around 16. In the 1920s, the average age was 14. It’s interesting that this isn’t more of a concerning red flag. Why is this happening? How much of it is due to diet? How much to toxic environment?

Regardless of the reasons, the earlier start to feminine body development invites bodily complications as well as the male gaze far earlier than these children are able to handle it.

Transgenderism sells the lie that they can “pause” puberty through cross-sex hormones. To a young girl already struggling with puberty, this sounds like a reprieve. The damage these drugs do is irreversible. It causes immense medical damage.

But the Internet, the assistant HHS secretary, and the president himself all say it’s fine, so why wouldn’t these impressionable young girls and older women also believe it?


Thanks, yet again, to the Internet and the unending exposure to screens, this generation has been exposed to pornography at younger and younger ages. The average age that a child is exposed to porn for the first time is 12. Fifteen per cent of kids said they were younger than 10 the first time they were exposed.

That is intentional. Pornographers have a financial incentive to hook children on pornography at younger and younger ages. Porn is addictive. They now have lifelong customers. But this exposure to porn has created a whole other monster aside from the fact that children are not emotionally or psychologically ready to deal with sex and sexuality.

Porn is a fantastical (as in fantasy), unrealistic, highly depraved form of sexual interaction. Without getting into too much detail, porn feeds the female fear of not being beautiful/attractive; it normalizes unsafe and degrading sexual interactions (i.e., choking, violence, and rape); and exposes them to other kinks that are not good for the soul.

Porn feeds the beast of sexual and gender confusion by providing a canvas to enact these deviant inclinations.

Social Capital

Perhaps the single most important factor for women is the social capital of it all. People who identify as transgender, nonbinary, or other variations of this ideology have garnered tons of social capital, particularly online. People who are activists or allies on their behalf are protected and even celebrated by the White House and others in power.

It gives both the gender-confused women and the women who support them purpose and something to fight against (i.e., the ignorant so-called bigots). As emotional creatures, women see it as noble to stand up for someone who is oppressed.

These women never stop to question what they are losing in the process. The biggest thing they are losing is women’s rights. Perhaps they don’t care. Perhaps they are naïve enough to believe that this doesn’t affect them.

This gender ideology takes away women’s accomplishments and gives them to men. This author can’t even name a woman who transitioned to a man and threatens to take the same things from biological men. In fact, in an article for Good Housekeeping, every “trans man” complained about how they were underrepresented. (No, hun, you’ve been played). This ideology takes away parental authority and gives it to predators. This ideology takes away happiness and leaves behind depression and anxiety.

It also hurts women who openly oppose this ideology. They are labelled bigots at the very least. At worst, they are brutally attacked. A poor mother was made an example because she stood up to a 45-year-old nonbinary white man and called him out as creepy for soliciting children’s confidences on the Internet. She was doxxed, attacked, bullied, and forced to apologize. It is also worth pointing out she is a TikTok star and a racial and religious minority, and still the Rainbow Mafia has more social clout in this culture. This story cannot be spread around enough.

Another recent example is former NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines, who was attacked by trans activists at San Francisco State University after her talk. She was chased down the hall, hit, locked in a room, and threatened not to be let out until she paid them. The school and the San Fran police let these students get away with this (of course, the latter part is no surprise — the police don’t have much authority in the city any more thanks to poor governance).

This ideology is a lose-lose for women, which is why you see a wide range of responses to transgenderism: become trans; support trans ideology unquestioningly in the name of being “loving and inclusive”; ignore the issue — until they are pushed too far; stand up for children and other women and get mercilessly attacked; etc.

There is no scenario where women are empowered or protected with this ideology, but sadly they give in. They go along for friends, fans, perceived freedom, or attention. The women “allies” mindlessly spout talking points and fight for their trans friends in the name of “empathy” or “inclusion,” and yet not a single one of their trans friends would do the same for them. Then if, God forbid, these women have the audacity to think for themselves and question and challenge this false ideology, they are attacked.

For a more in-depth investigative look at the pull for women and girls into this ideology, check out Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage.
