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A young fellow of my acquaintance recently sneered at the idea that Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter was a victory, however small, for free speech. “At the end of the day, he’s still just a billionaire. It’s all about money.”

Well, that may be so, I replied. But, so what? Even if Musk is only freeing up speech constraints on Twitter as a cynical business move, at the end of the day, we still have more free speech than we used to.

And we do.

Including the freedom to state a simple truth: a man who cuts his penis off and puts on a dress is still a man.

Twitter has, once again, quietly updated a significant policy without explanation. The company appears to have changed its hateful conduct policy to remove a section that protected transgender people from misgendering and deadnaming, in a move spotted by GLAAD.

Twitter had originally banned targeted deadnaming and misgendering in 2018.

Both of which are entirely imaginary “offences”. Calling a man a man is simply stating a fact. Pointing out that “Emily” was born “Trevor” is also pointing out a fact.

But lies are the universal currency of authoritarians — tranny totalitarians no less than any others. Telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

“We prohibit targeting others with repeated slurs, tropes or other content that intends to degrade or reinforce negative or harmful stereotypes about a protected category,” the policy stated. “This includes targeted misgendering or deadnaming of transgender individuals.”

As Jordan Peterson pointed out, in many circumstances, we would simply, politely address formerly Stan as Loretta. But when Stan is screaming at us that, as Loretta, “she” is entitled to have babies, well, sorry — we’re not going to indulge such mentally deranged authoritarianism.

Because, to participate in obvious lies is to become oneself just a little bit evil. It also does no favours to the mentally deranged to encourage their derangement. We should no more indulge a girl who wants a mastectomy because she thinks she’s a boy, than we would give diet pills to an anorexic.

Naturally, the tranny lobby have got their knickers bunched tight around their balls.

GLAAD and others have condemned the move. “Twitter’s decision to covertly roll back its longtime policy is the latest example of just how unsafe the company is for users and advertisers alike,” GLADD CEO Sarah Kate Ellis said in a statement.

Well, you know where the Log Out button is.

Contrary, of course, to the groomer left’s wailing that Twitter has suddenly become “unsafe” — witness Elon Musk’s delightful skewering of a BBC hack who couldn’t cite a single instance of actual “hateful conduct” — the platform still has rules, and enforces them. But at least it’s becoming more transparent.

Twitter may have a looser stance on bans under Elon Musk, but it’s still willing to flag content that runs afoul of its rules. The social network will label tweets it believes are violating its Hateful Conduct policy. You’ll see a notice that Twitter is limiting the “visibility” of the problematic post with an opportunity to learn more […]

The company stresses that the labels only apply to individual tweets, not an entire account.

One of the biggest complaints about pre-Musk Twitter was the secrecy of its censorship. “Shadowbanning”, for instance, where certain users were proscribed without them being any the wiser.

“We’re adding more transparency to the enforcement actions we take on Tweets. As a first step, soon you’ll start to see labels on some Tweets identified as potentially violating our rules around Hateful Conduct letting you know that we’ve limited their visibility.”


Well, it’s not much, but it’s better than what the previous mob were offering.


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