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The Blatant Double Standards of Lockdowns

They should have said they were protesting the abundance of fish. The BFD.

They’re not even bothering to hide it any more. “Stay home, save lives” was a con. A power grab by grubby politicians and authoritarian bureaucrats. In case anyone was still gullible enough to doubt it, their blatant political cronyism has been laid bare.

Victoria Police closed a popular Mornington Peninsula pier over concerns that locals and visitors were not “observing social-distancing requirements” just two days after thousands marched through the streets of Melbourne without penalty.

People would be “moved on” if they visited Rye pier and more local attractions would be shut if social-distancing was not observed, the police later said.

The apparent double standard in policing comes as health authorities consider lifting social-distancing restrictions more quickly and pressure mounts on states that let thousands of people march in Black Lives Matter protests on Saturday.

Barely a week before leftist rent-a-crowds jumped on an irrelevant, imported American conspiracy, Victorian police were out in force to shut down anti-lockdown protesters. Mothers and Fathers were dragged from their screaming children by dozens of officers. Speakers were charged by a wall of police.

Before that, police spent the last two months driving their cars en masse through public parks, fining people for playing with their kids, going for a walk on the beach, and even washing their cars.

Contrast that with the indulgence shown to thousands of BLM protesters. No-one was arrested, let alone fined. Politicians joined in, blatantly ignoring the very restrictions they had imposed.

Yet, still the elite keep clinging to their little claw-holds of power.

The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee, which met on Monday to discuss the national cabinet’s three-stage COVID-19 road map, is now understood to be considering post-July scenarios for opening up contingent on no further virus outbreaks[…]

Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nick Coatsworth said the AHPPC was actively considering letting sports fans return to stadiums but maintained its position that mass gatherings or protests still remained a “substantial risk”.

“We have to remember we don’t know what will happen as a result of these protests. The principle of mass gatherings being a risk is clear,” he said.

So why were they allowed to go ahead?

Victorian opposition police spokesman David Southwick said Saturday’s BLM protest had been a “slap in the face” for people who had done the right thing during COVID-19 lockdown.

It’s beyond obvious now that this has never been about anything but power.

Police state: characterized by repressive governmental control of political, economic, and social life usually by an arbitrary exercise of power by police.

They should have said they were protesting the abundance of fish. The BFD.

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