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Image credit The BFD. David Farrier


Image credit The BFD. David Farrier

The hidebound ideologues of the left and their mindless followers have one theme that runs through their thinking. They are so smugly self-righteous and sure of how right they are on all issues. They are deaf, dumb and blind to all counter views. They will jump and wriggle and writhe through all sorts of mental contortions to denigrate, degrade and cancel out counter views.

An example of this was on the RNZ website on Saturday the 13th. David Farrier spoke to Kim Hill from the East Los Angeles suburb of Eagle Rock. The essence of the interview is in the RNZ article.

Farrier sets the scene and flavour for this chat with

“Donald Trump made a smart political move when he redefined ‘fake news’ as a term to discredit any mainstream media content……..Now he’s no longer POTUS, and we’re stuck with the fallout.”

Farrier blamed the apparent proliferation of fake news on Trump’s bias rather than accepting that the MSM, which has been heading left faster than a Stalin politburo member, has been left-biased for ages and is getting more so. He claimed instead that there is no fake or left slanted news at all. Instead, all disagreement with left-wing media is characterised as a fanfare of trumpets and conspiracy theories.

This week, Trump supporters, people opposed to the predator control toxin 1080 and critics of the government’s proposed Three Waters reform were seen in a Wellington crowd protesting New Zealand’s Covid-19 vaccine mandate.

These are the usual suspects for Farrier, who has come to specialise in unravelling the complicated web of conspiracy theories in his newsletter Webworm and the podcast Armchaired & Dangerous.

You’ll notice the protest was cunningly denigrated by lumping it into three groups, two that are commonly denigrated as conspiracy nutters and thus the third group of anti-Three-Waters reform can be dismissed alongside them. You’ll also note that the thousands of others there who were not part of those three groups and were protesting a wide range of issues including vaccine injustice were completely ignored.

He continues;

New Zealand’s anti-vax groups, such as Brian Tamaki’s Freedoms & Rights Coalition, are taking the lead from their American counterparts to a disturbing extent, Farrier says.

Note again the mention of another denigrated group, this time anti-vax groups, and the unproven connection to murky USA groups. Weaselly stuff indeed. But he gets more cunning by giving them an out. The poor things are just victims of the mysterious ‘conspiracy theories’ and another favourite put down of the left, “misinformation”.

Farrier says these people actually believe they’re doing good and their bad decisions are based on bad sources of information.

This is of course just what government shills like Siouxsie Wiles have been pushing for months and fits into the fake “One source of truth” nonsense. He then espouses communication and debating to condescendingly cure these victims of what he states is a truly believed false view.

“Go and learn about that conspiracy theory as much as you can. Dive into Wikipedia, google it, learn what the arguing points are. And then in a very simple way, when you meet your friend, just tell them you want to understand what they believe. Then you can explain that stuff back to them better than they know it.”

Lefty smugness personified.

“You’ll find a lot of people espousing [misinformation], they can’t argue. They know the headline of the thing that they believe but they can’t go through the points… Asking them questions, not in a confrontational way, but just as a conversation… can sometimes start to show [them] how utterly unhinged [their belief] is.”

Ah, pop psychology 101 combined with a management course. Then he gets to the dribbling, handwringing cliché of the modern woke “progressive” left. You knew it had to come folks. Drum roll please, ‘White Privilege’.

[…] Farrier is personally more alarmed by the “large group of mainly middle-class white people” who are jumping on board the conspiracy train out of sheer terror.

“[These people] have been top of the food chain as far as race and privilege goes, and I think this is the first time and they’re shocked that they might have to change the way they do things and life might not be going back to how it was.

Not content with that, we get some totalitarianism and communism too.

Farrier finds these people selfish for overestimating the importance of their own personal freedom.

Ah, that pesky old personal freedom. We cannot have that nonsense going on can we, comrades?

Then indulgence in some USA politics: nice Democrat states vs nasty Republican states.

“In Los Angeles, carrying your face mask and vaccination card is now just part of daily life, Farrier says […] A lot of people look to America and think of Florida where everyone’s flouting every mandate and being kind of crazy. Whereas in California, which is obviously a much more liberal place, people are being polite and getting on with it. And to be honest, it’s kind of great.”

Aww shucks David, how nicely fluffy and socially conforming of you. Never mind that Florida is doing better than collapsing California. Meanwhile, out here in the real world, we want to get on with things and enjoy our freedom. How about that for a conspiracy theory? How about considering that you are a victim of misinformation too?
