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Phillip Thiessen: Killed for riding while white. The BFD.

During the Jim Crow era, lynchings and church burnings in the South were a brutal display of white power. In the Black Lives Matter era, the murder of whites and burning churches seems to be becoming an equally brutal display of the growing power of the racist, revolutionary communist movement.

BLM activists and followers have been linked to a number of murders, from eight year-old Secoriea Turner, police officers assassinated by a BLM-aligned sniper in Dallas, retired police officer David Dorne, to the elderly couple assassinated by a black sniper at their veteran son’s graveside, or Jessica Doty Whitaker, murdered for telling BLM protesters that “All lives matter”.

Now, another white strange fruit has been strung up on the BLM tree.

A Wisconsin man was charged with a hate crime for allegedly intentionally driving into a motorcyclist he believed was white.

Daniel Navarro, 27, was charged last week with first-degree intentional homicide, a hate crime, and use of a dangerous weapon after a crash that resulted in the death of Phillip Thiessen, 55.

Thiessen was found dead on a road over the Fourth of July weekend, following reports of a head-on crash between a pickup truck and a motorcycle. He was a former police officer in Fairfax, Virginia, and had served in the Marine Corps.

Navarro, who pleads hispanic, blamed his actions on “white racism”.

“[He] said that if President Donald Trump and white people are going to create the world we are living in, he has no choice and that people are going to have to die,” [Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan] Waldschmidt said.

Make no mistake, this was premeditated murder, and it was done for no other reason than the victim’s skin colour.

Navarro allegedly saw that Thiessen was driving a Harley-Davidson and told police officials that he believes only white people drive such motorcycles and that they are typically “white racists.”

“He chose a motorcycle instead of a car, because he wanted the driver to die, and not just be injured or paralyzed,” Waldschmidt said.

Phillip Thiessen was remembered as:

A generous, caring, loyal man that made friends easily anywhere he went, and maintained long distance friendships for many years. He believed in giving back to his community and was a volunteer at the Fondy Food Pantry…

An exceptional person, well liked. I will remember mostly for his politeness. After you watch over them for 20+ years to keep them safe and then someone takes them out once they reach retirement. It’s not the way it is supposed to be. Rest in peace.

At the same time, a spate of church burnings and desecrations were perpetrated across America – four in just one weekend.

The BLM movement is following the inexorable logic of terror, just as jihadists have in Europe. Each new attack is more brazen and more shocking, with the twin goals of not only terrorising the population into submission, but testing just how far the perpetrators will be allowed to go without reprisal.

As the jihadists have found, not even the deliberate massacring of little girls at a pop concert has been enough to move the West to shake off the suffocating torpor of political correctness.

Judging by the absolute media silence so far, lynching whites and burning churches is just the beginning for the BLM revolutionary communists.

For years, anyone talking of an impending white genocide was dismissed as a foaming, far-right crank. I’m starting to wonder if Sam Harris’s observation about the threat of jihadism – that the fascists were the only people talking sense – applies equally to the growing threat of white genocide.

In which case Harris was also right to gloomily conclude that “to say that this does not bode well for liberalism is an understatement: It does not bode well for the future of civilization”.

Phillip Thiessen: Killed for riding while white. The BFD.

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