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The Bravehearts among Us Must Rise

Image credit: Honest News

Honest News Team

As the days tick down to voting day, it’s disheartening to witness the two leading parties, the supposed architects of our political future, already causing ripples of instability in our system.

But in the grand scheme of things, this might be the least of our concerns. The harsh reality is that our political system is entrenched in corruption, a cancer that has infiltrated every department, ultimately leading to the putrid bureaucratic swamp that urgently needs to be drained.

Yet, New Zealanders are about to repeat this abusive voting behaviour once
again, flip-flopping between the same two old establishment parties. It’s been
going on for a staggering 88 years, back and forth, all the while, in some weird
way, voters are expecting a different result (a classic definition of insanity, as Brian Tamaki aptly points out).

We’ve witnessed Freedoms New Zealand Co-Leader Brian Tamaki being vocal about the relentless pattern, stating, “By now, we all should know that National will screw us over midway through their term. It’s a predictability that has persisted for 88 years! And guess what you lot will do, though? Yup, you know, you will swing back to Labour again. Don’t say you won’t, you will! History screams at you that you will. This voting addiction has given us what we deserved: chaos, damage, and being the laughing stock of the world.” Got to give it to Tamaki…he is right!

He goes on to say, “However, there is a solution to this voting madness. Positive change can happen, but it can only come from the bottom up (the people), not the top down. Politicians have proven to be too weak and power-hungry. What we urgently need is a Ballot Box Revolution, which will trigger a political earthquake that will give great hope to many Kiwis who have given up on their beloved homeland. Kiwis have had enough and are ready for change.”

The Bravehearts among us must rise to the occasion. To break this cycle, a substantial number of voters must be willing to cast their ballots differently, defying the polls, political pundits, and manipulative media. It will empower us as the people, and shock the system, culminating in huge satisfaction and celebration around the country. A victory to remember!

The pivotal move lies in the party vote, and from our research, Freedom’s NZ is the only party poised to make this change happen. What sets Freedoms NZ apart? Brian Tamaki. He’s the only candidate in this election who possesses the qualities and character needed to steer this transformation. A gift to our nation, capable of being our very own civil rights leader, following in the footsteps of illustrious leaders from around the world.

Brian Tamaki is a true leader, experienced and resilient enough to make the tough decisions and do what’s necessary. He remains untainted by politics, he will not be controlled like a puppet, fearless in the face of opposition, and he won’t be bribed or bought. His courage has already become the stuff of legends. Under his leadership, he is the only one capable of bringing Maori and Europeans back together again as one people. Every other politician is just creating division between the two races.

His sweeping clean-up of Parliament would pave the way for honest, transparent, and skilled individuals to fill key roles with competence and compassion. This restoration will bring back genuine representative politics, democracy, and honest and accountable politicians and parties. This fresh start will realize our vision of making New Zealand great, safe, free, and prosperous – a New Zealand for every Kiwi family to enjoy.

We believe voters should block vote and give their Party Vote to Freedoms New Zealand this election! None of the other alternative parties have a strong enough leader or the platform to create any kind of cut through this election.
