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grayscale photo of bicycle parked on sidewalk
Photo by Mark Pecar. The BFD



This article is about totalitarian creep used as an adjective. Undoubtedly Jacinda Ardern and Andrew Little are the latest in a long line of totalitarian creeps but as they are both proper nouns (or perhaps improper nouns) they will not be specifically dealt with here.

A disclaimer regarding the following:  I am a writer, not a lawyer, but as everyone knows the chief difference between a lawyer and a writer is about $300 an hour. The reason for this is that, given the choice between reading War and Peace or the Search and Surveillance Act 2013, any sentient being (and most non-sentient ones too) will opt for Tolstoy. One is a masterful literary accomplishment the other is just a piece of work. The laws of men are tedious and confusing to the average person; I think intentionally so. They are designed to benumb and befuddle.

Over 2000 years ago Jesus Christ said of the lawyers of that time that they “strain the gnat and swallow the camel”. It has been my misfortune to discover that things haven’t improved since. So are you hoping for a nice light entertaining read? There is no more humour. Best move right along. There’s nothing to see here.

By necessity, I have read much of what is referred to as law. It is not law at all really. Real Law comes from God and is discovered and uncovered by man. These natural laws are immutable. The penalty for transgressing such law is contained in the law itself. A minor breach of the law of gravity may result in nothing more than a skinned knee. A major breach incurs the death penalty. No arguments, no appeals. There are immutable laws that govern all of existence. These however are another subject for another day.

The Acts, Statutes and Regulations contrived by men are a different kettle of fish entirely. Careful observation will show just how fishy they can be. The legislation passed over recent years in New Zealand definitely has a rotting stench to it.

Satan, who is also referred to as ‘the accuser’, has played a long game. However, it seems to me that New Zealand never completely sold its soul until the 1980s. It was in 1988 that our Government was registered as a corporate entity with the US Securities and Exchange Commission (see my previous article ‘What are ya?‘). Since that time both the quality, quantity, and tenor of legislation has altered perceptibly and the Devil is, as they say, in the detail.

Prior to this time legislation was drafted with great specificity. The meaning was precise, the wording unequivocal.

Since then legislation has morphed into a murky morass of relativism. Peppered with words like “reasonable” and “suspicious”, much has been left open to wide interpretation. Who is the judge of what is reasonable or what behaviour is suspicious? Definitions of such terms are notably absent.

Poorly drafted legislation has in many cases been used to replace better acts and statutes that provided more clearly defined guidelines.

Legislation making provisions for greater authoritarian power like the Search and Surveillance Act 2013 and AML Act 2013 are two amongst many. Meanwhile laws that provide checks and balances on power have been repealed (most notable being the Treason Act).

All this has occurred largely beneath the media radar. All the while the institutions charged with the interpretation and enforcement of such law have come under greater control of those who wield power whilst serving less those who pay for it and are subject to it.

The Ardern Government, under the unproven pretext of a global pandemic, passed the Covid 19 Public Health Response Act on May 13, 2020 under urgency and without due process. In so doing they generously conferred upon themselves supreme executive power. Abolishing any semblance of democracy, they began to rule as a dictatorial totalitarian regime and started governing by decree (mandates). The only legal opinion sought and given as to the legitimacy of this Act was provided by government minister Andrew Little in one of the most brazen examples of a conflict of interest in New Zealand History.

In his ‘legal advice’, Mr Little wrote:

  1. 3. We have concluded that the Bill appears to be consistent with the rights and freedoms affirmed in the Bill of Rights Act. In reaching that conclusion, we have considered the consistency of the Bill with: a. s 11 (right to refuse to undergo medical treatment);
    1. b. s 16 (freedom of peaceful assembly);
    1. c. s 17 (freedom of association);
    1. d. s 18 (freedom of movement);
    1. e. s 19 (freedom from discrimination);
    1. f. s 21 (right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure);
    1. g. s 22 (liberty of the person); and
    1. h. s 27(3) (rights to justice in civil proceedings with the Crown).

Did you note the word “appears”; do ya reckon he was right? I want a second opinion. Since his giving this ‘opinion’ we have seen all the above rights undermined.

The criteria for declaring a ‘national emergency’ was not and has not yet been clearly defined. I think it appears unreasonable and highly suspicious.

There is a marked absence of evidence for ‘proof of claim’. On the basis of this legislation, the Government has exempted itself from observing the law and has ridden roughshod over the international convention known as The Nuremberg Code (that forbids medical intervention under threat of discrimination) Those that make the law no longer keep the law.

They bribed mainstream media with our money to the tune of $55 million (Public Interest Journalism Fund – I have yet to receive my share) and imposed censorship on alternative news sources, labelling as ‘misinformation’ any news, facts or opinion contrary to the approved narrative. This was to obtain the consent of the people for their lawlessness.

They kept the people fearful of a disease that at its most virulent killed less than 10% of the average annual road toll and less than 7% of the current yearly suicide rate. Whilst news feeds but not hospitals were clogged with nothing but Covid they beavered away in back rooms passing reams of new legislation and amending other already draconian laws in order to make them worse than they already were.

The evidence of systemic corruption and failure is everywhere. We are witnesses to the engineered collapse of western civilisation right now in real time.

Our courts busy themselves going through the motions, ticking prescribed boxes and protecting the status quo. Minor criminals get processed and imprisoned, traffic infringements that have caused no harm are prosecuted by the accuser and a debt is created for the victim by way of a fine whilst institutionalised lawlessness, corporate criminals, politicians and public servants who have betrayed their country and caused immeasurable harm go unchecked. Andrew Kibblewhite, CEO of the Ministry of Justice receives in excess of half a million taxpayer dollars per annum, yet he does not answer his mail.

Those involved speak much of law but steer clear of any talk of justice. Our current legal system is demonstrably unjust. It is rather justice perverted and justice prevented. Our Ministry of Justice is complicit with what is shaping up to be not just the crime of the century but the crime of the millennium.

The so-called justice system in New Zealand, from government legislators down through the public sector to the courts and  constabulary have been ignoring glaring internal problems for many years. It is now a broken machine. Whilst it still appears to operate with much smoke and grinding of gears it produces only defective products from a dysfunctional assembly line. In the words of the Consumer Guarantees Act it is no longer ‘fit for purpose’. I now refuse to trade with them or purchase their product.

Wheels of Justice

The factory workers In a suit and a tie It’s gentlemen’s hours they work by and by There’s a cost to the truth, a price for the lie And the wheels grind slowly onThe hammer comes down seals another man’s fate Then they give him a brand and a use-by date Do the factory staff on an hourly rate And the wheels grind slowly onThey work with a will and utmost precision Producing oppression, contempt and derision With all of the zeal of men on a mission And the wheels grind slowly onA machine without pity the rules never bend There’s a nod and a wink between “learned friends” It’s a dubious means to a sorrowful end And the wheels grind slowly onThe boss comes in and the workers start Manufacturing myth playing their part in firing the kiln that hardens the heart And the wheels grind slowly onNo-one is healed everyone’s scarred Some do it easy, some do it hard With an absence of love and very little regard The wheels grind slowly on

© Worzel 2022


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