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money flushed down the toilet cash bucket

Sir Bob Jones

Back now in New Zealand and reading the despair-making budget details, I was staggered to see the government has allocated $ 34 million of our taxes, to promoting bloody hakas. This was described as an “investment”.

The report quoted a Carl Ross, appointed as the CEO of the outfit being established to administer this exercise, asserting this taxpayer theft would “unite communities”, this nonsensical claim apparently being the “return” on our $ 34 million “investment”.

Maybe I spend too much time abroad and don’t get out and about enough but certainly everyone I know, including all my Maori friends, is hugely embarrassed by the spectacle of semi-naked, frequently obese males, lining up to bellow and prance about waving spears and poke their tongues out at people.

On that freedom, with spending other people’s money note I wonder how the Christchurch woman I wrote about some time ago, who was given almost a million dollars of our money to research whether spiders can count, is progressing. We’re all on tenterhooks waiting to find out.

This has to be the most fiscally irresponsible government in our history.

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