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Photo by Sander Crombach. The BFD.

H.E. Ambassador Ran Yaakoby

Israel wants quiet to be restored. Israel is on the receiving end of thousands of rockets and hopes the hostilities will end soon, but it must end right, which is in all of our interests.

There are two types of ceasefires, the right type of ceasefire and the wrong type of ceasefire. Israel wants quiet to be restored but it has to be done right. The wrong type of ceasefire is one that gives Hamas the time to rest, to regroup, and rearm. If Hamas can attack again in a week or a month, then nothing has been achieved. If Hamas get used to the idea that it can shoot thousands of rockets at Israel and then have the international community demand that Israel stop, then why would Hamas ever stop shooting rockets at Israel?

But, with the right ceasefire, Hamas’ capabilities are degraded, Hamas’ will to fight is degraded and its military machine is dismantled. A degraded and discredited Hamas is in everyone’s interest.

Hence the benefits of the right ceasefire, not just for Israel but also for the Palestinians, the region and the rest of the world. The right ceasefire will benefit not just Israel but also the Palestinians. We have got to come out of this with a protracted period of peace and quiet. This will be good for Israel and good for Palestinians too. If Hamas is soundly defeated and discredited, then perhaps moderate Palestinian voices will emerge. This is constructive for all of us. It is not just in Israel’s interest that this ends right, it is in everyone’s interest that it ends right.

I would like to further emphasize that Hamas is a danger. Hamas is not only an enemy of Israel, Hamas is a bitter enemy of anyone who wants peace and reconciliation in this part of the world.

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