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The Consequences of Speaking Out

Photo by Fringer Cat. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

On TNT Radio, a live 24/7 news talk station, Dr Anne O’Reilly from New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) speaks with the Australian-based Jason Q regarding the hijacking of medicine and the censorship, constraints and consequences of courageously speaking out against the draconian measures of medical institutions.

Far from a doctor gone rogue, Dr Anne O’Reilly has an expansive career in medicine of over 40 years serving the needs of her patients and community in fields including haematology, oncology, psychiatry, palliative care and functional medicine. When the coercion from the New Zealand Medical Council started to restrict what doctors could and could not say – even if this meant not giving patients full informed consent on the risks as well as the benefits – this was unconscionable to Anne, so keeping silent was not an option.

Knowing she had to get an important message out, Anne traded her medical license for freedom of speech and being able to speak out at a time when the only tolerated covid rhetoric was from the ‘source of truth’ aka the government pulpit.

Dr Anne O’Reilly delves into the art of subtle manipulation and how this is used to influence and control people’s behaviour, emotions and choices. Little by little the unsuspecting public is being nudged in certain directions and she encourages people to understand how we are being manipulated and the use of fear in constant messaging is akin to a virus itself, infecting individuals and nations.

The last two years have seen an immense loss of trust in government, authorities, the medical system and medical professionals. New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) are privy to hearing from many New Zealanders who are concerned about who they can go to and have an open, honest discussion about their health and be certain they will be treated with respect, understanding and be offered an unbiased medical opinion without the arm of the government’s unyielding narrative reaching into the consultation room.

We thank Dr Anne O’Reilly for breaking free and offering hope for others’ future, where a better life can exist as more and more people wake up and start to see things clearly.

Listen: Dr Anne O’Reilly speaking with Jason Q on TNT Radio – December 13th, 2022

Listen from 18:50 minutes: Dr Anne O’Reilly speaking with Jason Q

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