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The ‘Coup Peopleʼ of the US

The desperate Democrats already know they have lost. Harridan from Hell Harris is having her last throw of the dice, even if it means a coup against the American people.

Photo by Joshua Woroniecki / Unsplash

The ‘Coup Peopleʼ of America are not who the MSM would have you think they are.

During a visit to Campaign Headquarters in Concord, New Hampshire, Sleepy Joe Biden told supporters, “We gotta lock him up,” referring to Trump.

Biden claimed that if Trump won the election he would use the government to ‘shoot and killʼ the opposition. He added “I know this sounds bizarre: if I said this five years ago you would lock me up. We gotta lock him up!” Realising his mistake, Biden then said “Politically, of course”.

Then Harris tried to pin the fascist dictator label on Trump. This was gleefully recorded by the Atlantic, and was soon parroted by CBS.

The Democrats still seem to think they can pin the dictator tail on the donkey but America is not as woke as it once was and, after various false assertions like ‘Russiagateʼ were debunked, Americans are becoming less susceptible to the lies about Trump.

Assertions by Trump haters that he has stated himself that he will become a dictator once elected are utter nonsense and it would benefit all of them if they were to take a deep breath and recall that Trump has already been president for the four years after 2016. He didnʼt become a Hitler-like dictator then and in fact left the country in fine shape. Then along came Biden and Harris and the ‘wreckersʼ of 2020 after that dubious election result. Remember how vote counting machines mysteriously failed and overnight, when counting had stopped with Trump ahead, suddenly a whole heap of Biden votes came in?

The Democrats are playing ‘Lord of the Ringsʼ and trying to ‘ring fenceʼ the swing states of the ‘Hobbits’. Georgia is already saying 25 per cent of their votes will be overseas ones, therefore an early election night result will be unlikely.

It has become obvious why Border Czar Kamala did nothing to slow down the southern border. The Democrats, in a desperate bid for power, have intentionally allowed millions of illegal migrants into the US in the hope that the illegals, if nothing else, will get to vote and will vote for them.

Harris and her campaign are attempting a ‘switcharooʼ claiming that Trump and his supporters will be the ‘coup peopleʼ continually referring to Trump's comment that “the real enemy is within”. But the truth is closer to home. If the Democrats looked under their own beds, they would find Reds hiding there.

These are the real ‘coup peopleʼ – not the ones dreamed up by Biden and Harris and their lame supporters. These ‘coup peopleʼ are unknown at present but their leaders continue to pull the puppet strings of Biden and Harris.

The desperate Democrats already know they have lost. Harridan from Hell Harris is having her last throw of the dice, even if it means a coup against the American people.

God Bless America. Land of the Free!
