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The COVID Stuff Just Doesn’t Add Up

Photo by Darius Bashar. The BFD

Last week I wrote that Covid Is Not What We Thought It Was/Is.

I had previously written a comment on the last lockdown in Auckland and across the country wondering why, if Covid is the fearsome spreader and killer it’s purported to be, the authorities, having discovered the new community transmission on a Saturday afternoon, did nothing about it until late Saturday night when all they did was announce it and a lockdown to start 10 hours later. What absolute nonsense. If this spreader is so dangerous, you lock down immediately. It doesn’t make sense to hold off for hours and hours.

Sometimes when things don’t make sense, it’s because they really don’t make sense and the more I study Covid, the less sense any of it makes.

I applaud the comments from ACT leader David Seymour in his press release on the BFD: The Next Year of COVID Response Must Be Smarter”.

He couldn’t be more correct – but it does seem he too remains caught up in the belief system that Covid is what they said it was a year ago. It becomes clearer every day that it is not. The science is all over the place with scientists abandoning their basic principles and spouting forth all manner of ill conceived and ridiculous theories like Fauci’s triple masking (seriously?) and the point of a vaccine if things don’t get to go back to normal?

Whenever I talk to any Covid believer – you know, the ones who tell you you’re an ignorant conspiracy theorist if you question the value of lockdowns, masks and the interminable nonsense spoken by a pig-ignorant media that doesn’t have the integrity to ask the hard questions – their standard line is: “How come the hospitals all over the world were (or are) swamped and they had to bring in refrigerated containers for the bodies?”

Well, there’s a field hospital they set up in Central Park New York for the anticipated flood of cases that is now a distant memory: an unused monument to Covid panic. A Navy hospital ship sailed into New York and berthed there for a month for the same reason, but did not treat a single patient. The thousands of ventilators built in the USA because there was going to be such an acute shortage, were not needed. And the refrigerated containers? Who knows what the real truth about those is.

Let me be clear, I’m not qualified to comment on Covid-19 from a medical or immunology or virology perspective. It might well be a “tricky little virus”. On the other hand, it might not be.

Getting to the truth seems to be exceedingly difficult between the anti vaxxers, the WHO and other Public Service health “experts” and the media that never research anything and never publish things that don’t follow a predetermined narrative.

The best I can do is count and read and be as informed as I can. Frankly, much of what I’m seeing makes little sense and, boy, do I feel like a voice in the wilderness when I try to raise my thoughts with most people.

We have been in a pandemic for a year now, and it all started in China, followed closely by huge numbers out of Italy, Spain, the UK, the USA, France, Germany and Canada, so it was no wonder that we were all very worried.

Below are official annual death figures since 2010 for some randomly selected countries that were, or are, at the forefront of Covid infections.

Logic suggests a spike should occur during a pandemic. Let me know if you can find it.

It looks very much as though the 2020 death rates were pretty much the same as the previous years? What do you think?

Am I going mad or do these numbers say: Much ado about nothing?

All graphs and statistics are courtesy of

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