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The Creepy History of the Trans Flag

How many red flags can you count in one image? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

It’s a fallacy, of course, to judge an ideology solely by its progenitors. But, at the same time, ideologies are the product of their progenitors. So, sometimes, the people behind an ideology can tell us a great deal about the ideology itself. Marx, for instance, was a bully and a leech.

When it comes to transgender ideology, its progenitors are a roster of creeps and predators, all the way down.

It starts with NZ psychologist John Money. Money coined the term “gender roles” and, later, the spurious notion that “gender is a cultural construct”, distinct from biological sex. Money was a pioneer in cross-sex surgery — transition, in a word. His most infamous experiments were performed on a young boy whose penis was mutilated in a botched circumcision. Money was convinced that, if the boy was surgically transitioned and raised in all ways as a girl, then, according to gender theory, he would be a girl (spoiler alert, it didn’t work). As part of the enforced “female gender role”, Money forced the “girl” to take the “female role” in sex acts with his twin brother. These were young children, remember.

Another pioneer of transgender ideology, Gayle Rubin, valorised “those whose eroticism transgresses generational boundaries”. The founder of Drag Queen Story Hour is a cross-dressing academic who wants to teach children to “live queerly”. Other thought-leaders in the journey to transgenderism include child-raping French intellectuals.

And the transgender flag?

Oh, you better believe it’s creepy. As Reduxx co-founder Genevieve Gluck memorably puts it, the story of the trans flag is the story of “How one man stopped masturbating long enough to create the trans flag”.

Monica Helms, born Robert Hogge, designed the first trans pride flag in 1999. In his memoir, More Than Just a Flag, Helms – who named himself after a fictional battle in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings – describes himself as an “enlightened” being who is able to “float” between multiple worlds.

The rest of us would probably more accurately describe Hogge as a creepy perve and abuser who wrote out his predatory fetishes in stories, before acting a great many of them out in the real world.

When narrating his childhood in the memoir, Helms details how, at the age of 12, he would steal his mother’s undergarments […]

“I would spend hours looking at the girls at school. I studied them more and more, with my study slowly evolving into lust,” Helms adds.

Helms spent his early adulthood “obsessed” with “losing [his] virginity” and experimenting with cross-dressing.

If that wasn’t stalky enough, as an adult in the US Navy in the 70s, he became a snow-dropper, stealing women’s underwear and getting off with it.

Helms describes stealing the bra by taking it out of the machine, and rushing back to his apartment to try it on and model it for himself in the mirror. He then expresses sexual arousal at the sight of himself in the garment.

“The feelings I had, dressed as a woman, ran the gamut of human emotions. Sexual excitement topped the list of what came over me while wearing woman’s clothes.”

In other words, what psychologists call “autogynephilia”: males’ propensity to be sexually aroused by the thought of himself as a female. It is the paraphilia that is theorized to underlie transvestism and some forms of male-to-female (MtF) transsexualism (psychologist Anne A. Lawrence in Sexual Dysfunction: Beyond the Brain-Body Connection).

But it wasn’t enough for this perve to jack off in secret in stolen knickers. When he married, his long-suffering wife became perforce part of his twisted fantasies. When, six months into the marriage, his wife caught him prancing in a dress, “she went ballistic” (he claims he told her before they married, she insists that’s a lie).

So, he doubled down.

Helms continued to pursue his sexual fetish against his wife’s wishes, spending family finances on clothing, makeup, and hormones. He also invested in attending get-togethers, or “Holiday En Femme,” with other male cross-dressers, where lessons were provided on how to talk and walk “like a woman.”

“At 46, I had entered my second puberty and acted the part. I would experiment with styles of clothing that weren’t appropriate for my age. More than once, a supervisor would call me into their office for wearing dresses cut too short,” Helms says.

Unsurprisingly, this creepy attention-seeking against his wife’s adamant wishes destroyed the marriage, so he upped stakes and flounced out on his fancy. He was free to pursue his fetishes without limit.

He began frequenting Arizona’s sex clubs which “afforded patrons the chance to watch people have sex in windowed rooms.” Helms tells of how these clubs “enabled me to fulfill each and every fantasy I had concerning sex with men. This included orgies, hot tubs, you name it” […]

Helms has also authored short stories with sexual themes, including ‘forced feminization,’ wherein men are transformed into women as a humiliating punishment. One story in particular sexualizes a child, and Helms said the concept came to him in a dream.

Titled “A Woman Scorned” — published in the collection Tales from a Two-Gendered Mind — a man finds himself being stalked by a young girl who looks “no more than sixteen years-old” and whom he initially mistakes for a Girl Scout.

In a common theme in wannabe-pedo literature, the child is in fact an adult witch who’s magicked herself a child body. The characters marry and have a baby girl with “her mother’s magical powers”.

Is anyone else seeing some serious red flags going up, here? Or, should we say, pink-and-blue flags? The obsession with feminisation and child sex has, it is argued, been carried over into Helms’ design for the “trans flag”.

He has claimed the baby blue and pink pastel stripes came to him by way of “divine intervention,” but the color scheme is often seen repeated in other, more nefarious contexts.
According to researcher Dr. Sarah Goode, CEO of StopSO (Specialist Treatment Organisation for the Prevention of Sexual Offending), pedophiles who organize online have developed their own culture, language, and symbols. One common symbol used in pedophile forums incorporates the colors baby blue, pink and white. In her lecture, ‘Hidden Knowledge: What We Ought to Know About Pedophiles,’ Dr. Goode shows a slide of the image, and says, “The pink half represents ‘girl lovers’ and the blue half represents ‘boy lovers.’”

The color code system appears to predate the initial design of the transgender flag and can be traced back to at least as early as 1997, according to online pro-pedophile forums […]

It is unclear whether Helms was aware of this correlation at the time, but when discussing the symbolism behind the trans flag, Helms has consistently stated that blue represents young boys and pink represents young girls: “The light blue is the traditional color for baby boys, and the pink is the traditional color for baby girls.”

The Glinner Update

All just a coincidence? Step back and look at the wider picture and it looks far less so. From “Drag Queen Story Hour” to the so-called “MAPs” (“Minor-Attracted Persons”, and it becomes impossible to the point of willful blindness to continue to believe so.
