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‘Pretend virtue’ is the Marxists’ stock-in-trade. The left pretends to fight for women while encouraging them to accept men using their bathrooms and overrunning their sporting events, while at the same time turning a blind eye to how women are treated under Islamic Sharia law.

They pretend to care about children but indoctrinate them in school rather than teach them how to think for themselves and then scare them with imaginary and therefore unsolvable tales of global catastrophes. They blame the imaginary crises on the children’s parents thereby enabling generational alienation while simultaneously grooming them to accept gender fluidity and gender reassignments as normal.

They pretend to be the great defenders of racial minorities while encouraging tribalism and separation with a type of apartheid facilitated by a ‘living treaty.’ They encourage fatherless families under the guise of a Welfare State whilst keeping them dependent on taxpayer-fed benefits. A hopeless downwards spiral results.

They pretend to care about the poor while they advocate policies which hurt the poor by increasing rents and reducing the availability of rental housing. They raise petrol taxes and pass minimum wage laws that will reduce job availability. Their welfare benefits decrease people’s incentive to get a job and work their way out of poverty and dependency, i.e. a handout not a hand up.

They pretend to care about the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders, but they don’t cancel an unwanted commemoration event during an international pandemic until the last minute.

Finally, by attempting to blame all New Zealanders for the terrorism of a single Australian, they display a degree of foolishness that we do not want in our government. We need to be rid of ‘the selfish cult of me’.
Give me a Donald Trump or a Scott Morrison who put the wellbeing of their citizens first by being effective caring leaders. What New Zealand has is a sad lot of ineffective, narcissistic power-hungry parliamentarians who work against us, not for us.

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