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The Dark, Deep State against the Truckers

The face of the Deep State. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

In a move straight out of a dystopian fiction like V for Vendetta, hackers targeted crowdfunding platform GiveSendGo and published the personal details of every single person who had donated to the Ottawa truckers protest. With scarcely-concealed glee, the Canadian government-funded media set about publicly outing them. The Canadian government warned that they would find their back accounts frozen. Business owners have been targeted with vandalism and death threats.

So, who hacked GiveSendGo?

By his own bragging, a hacker named Aubrey Cottle, AKA “Kirtaner”. Kirtaner has posted several videos boasting about the hack. In a TikTok video, he literally screams, “I did it! I did it!”

So, who is “Kirtaner”?

He claims to be a founder of Anonymous. If so, he has clearly parted ways with their anti-government ethos (which may be why he has allegedly “swatted” — a sometimes deadly practice that involves calling police and falsely informing them that an armed incident is underway at the target’s address) his former buddies.

Kirtaner is also a frequent collaborator with government agencies.

A Canadian man who has publicly claimed credit for cyber attacks on free speech alternative website Gab and First Amendment domain registrar Epik has a history of being employed by the FBI […]

“Kirtaner” is a controversial figure in the hacktivist community, including among leftists. Frederick Brennan, the former administer of 8chan, has even stated that Cottle openly flaunts federal laws and appears to not fear any consequences.

According to a collection of screenshots published by a rival group of anarchists verified by National Justice, Cottle has a long-standing employment history with both the FBI and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).

Cottle, apparently with the authorities’ blessing, or at least blind eye, is alleged to use some very dubious practices — which he denies, it should be added — such as planting child porn on targets.

Cottle, in his own words, has stated that he helped the FBI develop a child pornography honeypot and that he has dealt “often” with the feds.

In another exchange, he went into detail about being approached by the Canadian Security Intelligence Services (CSIS) […]

Cottle writes that his group is at the minimum allowed to break the law with the permission of American and Canadian authorities: “i was the lucky one to have the blessing of alphabet agencies to weaponize anonymous (as an antiterrorism thing, to boot), those that came after me, not so much.”

National Justice

If all this sounds too ludicrous to believe, remember COINTELPRO: the 60s and 70s FBI program that sought to infiltrate and discredit political groups by planting assets who were even more extremist — to the point of financing and arming terrorist groups. More recently, the Obama-era “Fast and Furious” operation which purposely seeded illegal weapons which ended up in the hands of Mexican cartels, and later showed up at many crime scenes, including the murder of an FBI agent.

Meanwhile, while Cottle and the Trudeau government rant that the truckers are “fascists”, some very real terror is going on — and the media are keeping very quiet about it.

A far-left Antifa activist and supposedly “anarchist” punk rocker named David Alexander Zegarac rammed his Jeep Patrol into a Freedom Convoy group, injuring several people.

But this is far from the first crime Zegarac is accused of.

His own record label and former bandmates have all dissociated themselves from Zegarac over alleged paedophile crimes.

But, sure, a bunch of truckers honking their horns are the real problem.


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