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Bob Jones

I tuned in to TV One on Tuesday night for the debate, that in itself a rare event, indeed probably the first time this year that I’ve viewed TVNZ. But not for long. I lasted 10 minutes.

The appalling moderator Jessica Mulch or Muck or some such name, screeching and bellowing Barbarian while Hipkins simultaneously babbled at 100 words a minute, saw me quickly tune out and pick up my book.

This Jessica woman’s speech brought to mind a startling last year’s news item, downplayed but the press at the time.

That was an American poll in which the public listened to 100 plus different speakers and declared New Zealand women had the worst speech in the world. Listening to Jessica certainly justified that poll but then again, she’s hardly typical.

The next day I read the various who won the Debate? comments.

The Herald’s Political editor Claire Trevett, former editor Shane Currie, senior political writer Audrey Young and deputy Political editor Thomas Coughlan, all declared in favour of Luxon.

From everything I’ve read about the debate my pick for the winner would be David Seymour as the whole thing sounded rather bad.

Hipkins has an impossible task defending our worst post-war government by a country mile. If Labour can manage 20% in the election he will have done well.

The country is in need of numerous changes and only ACT is offering them. I suspect the big shock in the election will be how well ACT does.

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