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The Decision We Can No Longer Delay

Delta Deadly. Photoshopped image credit Luke. The BFD.

The Ponderer

My sweet wife just came home from the supermarket in tears.
On entering the supermarket, she was stopped by a big, bearded, intimidating man, who told her that by law she had to sign in. She refused because he was lying (or misinformed). There is no such law. It will become mandatory to sign in to places like cafes seven days after the next reduction in alert level, and “at this stage it is envisaged that supermarkets and dairies will be excluded” (according to Stuff). So there is no such law. This was a lie.

Nevertheless, this man blocked her entry in an intimidating fashion, tried to force her to obey this non-existent law, and upset her enormously. She eventually pushed past him into the supermarket and completed her shop in constant fear of having the police turn up to arrest her. His last words to her as she entered the shop were “Don’t make me come after you ma’am”. How more terrifying a statement could you make?

Is this what our country has been reduced to? A place where my wife is bullied and intimidated by a large scary man just because she wants to buy groceries? A place where my carefully law-abiding wife must fear the police? A place where people are forced to comply with ‘laws’ that don’t even exist? By people who probably genuinely believe not only that such laws do exist but that they are just and necessary?
Yes. This is New Zealand today.

We cannot hide from the truth anymore. We are now living under a tyrannical dictatorship. This is not a theoretical political discussion. It is real.

Maybe the issues seem minor today. But tyranny always creeps in, small pieces at a time. That’s why people accept them. Boil the frog slow enough and it won’t jump out of the pot. But the road to tyranny is now well established and undeniable. It is now here, and will only get worse.

We now have a choice, and we can no longer delay it. Do we resist? Or do we comply?

It’s easy to type “resist, just don’t do it” in a comment on the internet. But seriously, it’s not actually that easy. When my wife goes to the supermarket, can I seriously expect her to face a burly security guard all on her own, with no backup from the crowd of sheep who are dutifully signing the paperwork, and in constant fear of being arrested? Can I expect my children to do so? Of course not. Resistance, one by one, is not an option.

This is not a game. It is a real communist revolution. We either resist en-masse, or we comply.

To resist en-masse, we need a leader. Who will rise up? So far, only people like Billy Te Kahika – for whom I have immense respect since he had the courage to try – but these are people who are considered social outcasts, and do not command sufficient respect from the population to actually function as a leader. A leader must arise that ANYBODY in the population who does not want to live under tyranny would be willing to follow, at least temporarily.

It would need to be somebody who is a household name, or has a background that is well recognised and respected. A politician, business leader, military leader, radio or TV personality, sportsperson – somebody the people will recognise and follow. Or somebody who can rapidly gain that level of acceptance for a unique reason. Rightly or wrongly, that’s the reality.

Without such a leader, without an organisation behind them, and without a peaceful ‘army’ of citizens committed to the cause and knowing others have their back – resistance is futile. That is the sad reality.

If resistance is futile, we are left with compliance (or the appearance of compliance). Wear the mask. Use (or pretend to use) the app. Sign the paperwork (possibly illegibly). Maybe, in some cases, even consent to medical treatments against our will. And comply or feign compliance with the myriad new oppressions the government will dream up in the future as we and our children and grandchildren sink into a long, dark night.

Then keep the light burning in secret through the night. If children are indoctrinated with lies, teach truth in secret. If churches are forbidden to meet, start underground house churches. If political opposition is suppressed, meet in secret.

So do we have a charismatic leader, the numbers, and the determination to save our country together today? Or do we imitate the sheep, put on our masks, and disappear into the flock?

Please share so others can discover The BFD.
