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The Demographic They Dare Not Name

No! Not that young! The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Imagine writing an entire article on the Holocaust without mentioning Jews. Or the Cultural Revolution without mentioning Mao or China. Yet, somehow, the taxpayer-funded journalistic geniuses at the ABC manage to write entire articles about a spike in forced child marriages in Australia without once mentioning the dreaded “M-word”.

Kubra* was just 11 years old when she became engaged to her older cousin […]

At 16, she went on what was supposed to be an overseas holiday to visit family. Instead, she was handed an invitation to her wedding, which was organised without her consent.

“I refused to marry him but my fiance’s family threatened to harm me and took away my passport,” Kubra said.

Hmm. Child marriage, cousin marriage, overseas, stealing passports, families threatening harm to girls who disobey… is any of this sounding familiar?

Kubra’s story is one of many serious cases of forced marriage reported to authorities, who fear a spike this year, as overseas travel picks up.

Police and government agencies are researching how to tackle the complex issue, which statistics show, is most prevalent in NSW and Victoria.

In the past year, there have been more than 80 reports from across the country to the Australian Federal Police (AFP), with almost half of them involving children under 18.

Case worker Eleni Argy said young victims, who are mostly girls, are being “sold” for cash […]

“They can be groomed from a very young age, as young as six or seven.”

Are there any other relevant details the ABC might want to share with us? Oh, shoosh, you lot in the front rows, bouncing up and down in your seats. Of course you know the answer.

Here’s a couple more hints…

The murder of Ruqia Haidari, 21, who was allegedly sold by her mother to a man for $15,000 in 2019, only to be murdered months later, sent shock waves across the nation.

Mohammad Ali Halimi killed the Victorian woman with a kitchen knife in their Perth home in January 2020, where she moved after marrying him.

Even then, the ABC doesn’t utter the words “Muslim” or “Islam”. It’s just “a Perth man”.

Any defence the ABC might try and weasel out, that it’s not targeting religious groups is blown out of the water by its sidebar list of related “domestic violence” articles:

  • “Terrifying last moments: A decade of domestic violence deaths in Hindu and Sikh communities”
  • “‘Their cross to bear’: The Catholic women told to forgive domestic violence”
  • “#ChurchToo: Christian victims of abuse join social media outpouring’

So, Hindus, Sikhs, and especially Christians are just fine to be explicitly identified with abuse, but Muslims are somehow sacrosanct?

Even the Australian Federal Police are mealy-mouthed skirting around the issue.

Commander Hilda Sirec, from the AFP […] said most reports came from “closer knit” communities, where arranged marriage was more common.

But, as even the ABC makes clear: arranged marriage and forced marriage are very, very different. In an arranged marriage, both parties must still consent before it goes ahead.

University of Technology Anti-Slavery Australia director Jennifer Burn […said] “A forced marriage is where one or both parties don’t have the chance to form full and free consent to the marriage because they’ve been coerced or threatened.”

ABC Australia

It’s claimed that authorities are working together to “tackle the complex problem” — but so long as everyone from the police to the national broadcaster is lying by omission, so long will it continue.

Just as the horrific rule of child-rape terror by gangs of Pakistani Muslims only went on for decades because everyone turned a blind eye. Because criticising Muslims is seen by the Establishment as a worse crime than the systematic rape of young girls.


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