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The (De)Parting of the Red Sea

sea waves crashing on rocks
Photo by Aleks Dahlberg. The BFD.

The election result has almost biblical connotations, such was the magnitude of the defeat. As one who believes religion and politics should be kept at arm’s length, I hesitate to draw any similarities. But politically speaking we have had the parting of the Red Sea of many of the left-wing incumbents, and we do see Christopher Luxon as something of a saviour. We hope there will be a resurrection of the country from the damage that has been done. We hope he will breathe new life into a dying nation.

Christopher Luxon has an unenviable task on his hands. The problems he has inherited are of considerable magnitude. These problems are due to either Labour’s blindness to the chaos they were creating or to them simply having no understanding of the consequences of their policies and actions. It beggars belief that they could sit idly by while everything around them was turning to custard. If they couldn’t see it, the majority of voters could.

Most felt they were going backwards financially so they voted for National’s promised tax cuts. They took no notice of Robbo’s Removals’ (Grant Robertson) talk that National’s fiscal plan didn’t add up, most likely because nothing he had done in six years had added up. They could see that their children’s education was effectively going down the gurgler. Parents wanted to see a ‘back to basics’ approach applied to the three Rs. Erica Stanford is the person for the job.

Health is another area in total disarray. Waiting lists for appointments and surgery have all increased exponentially, and not all can be blamed on Covid. As in education, information is being withheld by outgoing ministers, so the true state of how bad the problems are will not be known until the incoming government has a look at the figures. No doubt it will be far worse than what we are led to believe. Shane Reti is the person to get the health issues sorted.

Housing, Welfare, Law and Order are all issues needing urgent attention. I imagine Chris Bishop, Mark Mitchell and Louise Upston will be getting cracking in these areas. Labour governments always leave National a mess to clean up, but this one is of seismic proportions. The problems created by the outgoing Government can be sheeted home to one person, and one person only, Jacinda Ardern.

In a gambling sense, Jacinda ran out of chips quite some time ago. Having never managed to hit the jackpot on anything she decided, the oil and gas ban she put on the country was a plausible excuse for her throwing in the towel. She herself, we were told, had run out of gas. Having tanked the country she had supposedly tanked herself. Having put the country ‘over a barrel’, she absconded. Could this woman, overflowing with fake kindness, see her demise coming? Maybe.

I say maybe because running away in such a manner fits with her personality and behaviour. Bullies haven’t got the courage to face defeat, so she skived off to join her lefty friends elsewhere. It could also be because she woke up to the fact that there was no love left for her and in this election, she risked delivering the opposite result for the party that she had in 2020. Jacinda came into power looking like someone out of the Barbie movie and left, like Barbie, having a crisis that led her to question her world and her existence in New Zealand.

Hipkins accepted the hospital pass she delivered and, in turn, the voters delivered him a result that would make anyone feel nauseated. The result is he, and his comrades, are effectively in the emergency department awaiting transfer to critical care. Some might be more suited to attending the Neurology Outpatients Clinic. Not one of them was up to the task they were given.

They allowed themselves to be hijacked and run on a racist agenda that the country didn’t want. Robertson set the credit card alight and it will take some time to extinguish the blaze. They became close to the criminals in society and gave the impression they were happy to see kids out ram-raiding rather than attending school. Speaking of school, they instituted less than fully informed history and science curricula for racist reasons. Basic teaching went out the window in favour of complex methods amounting to stupidity.

A ship of fools doesn’t begin to describe them.

Here is Labour’s problem: because of their warped political ideology they don’t attract the sort of person to stand for the party who can do the job required. They don’t attract people with real-life experience, and by that I don’t mean teachers and lawyers. If Labour doesn’t change its philosophy, and I don’t believe it can because their paymasters the unions won’t let them, then considerable time on the Opposition Benches awaits.
