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The Dom-Post versus the Herald

Cartoon credit Dominion Post. White man stealing Maori baby

Sir Bob Jones

Stuff bragged recently that their website has pipped the Heralds in visitor numbers. That was deceitful. What they didn’t point out was their site is free while the Herald’s has a costly pay-wall.

What Stuff could have justifiably boasted about and indeed should do so, is their newspapers have far superior lay-outs to the Herald. So kudos to them for that.

But to survive, given their free-fall print sales (as with newspapers worldwide), sooner or later they will have to emulate the Herald’s pay-wall.

Because of their regional coverage and with a decent capital injection this could work, but otherwise, it will be a hard slog as in tiny New Zealand the market for two pay-wall news sites covering the same main news is obviously a tough quest.

They’ve toned down the ludicrous Maori wonderfulness nonsense which hit their sales hard last year. Start referring to the country by its correct name and not the fictional Aotearoa and I’d back their survival.

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