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Spot the Dong. The BFD.

The tentacles of the Chinese Communist Party influence are reaching deeper and deeper into almost every facet of Australian life. Whether it’s buying up valuable strategic assets, from farms to ports, or buying up politicians, Beijing is pouring billions into silently invading Australia – and finding no end of greedy Quislings eager to do its bidding.

The Labor Party seems particularly eager to bend over to their latest authoritarian Big Daddy. Investigations last year uncovered stories of the NSW Labor Party taking literal shopping bags full of cash from Beijing-linked “donors”. Victorian premier Daniel Andrews prefers a more roundabout way of trousering Beijing’s billions – by secretly having a bit of Dong on the side.

A pro-Chinese company was promoting the Belt and Road Initiative to Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews while at the same time being paid by the Andrews government to provide advice on the controversial investment and trade deal.

Mr Andrews’s office confirmed the Melbourne-based Australia-China Belt and Road Initiative company was awarded two taxpayer-funded contracts in 2017-18 and 2019-20 totalling $36,850 to advise on China’s global commercial play.

The organisation was set up by young former Chinese television journalist Jean Dong five years ago.

Andrews signed up to the BRI in defiance of the federal government, security agencies and even his own party in Canberra. No wonder he tried to keep his side-Dong on the hush-hush.

The Andrews government conceded on Sunday it had breached disclosure rules in failing to report the expenditure on the consultancy, blaming an “administrative error”[…]

ACBRI has been heavily ­involved in promoting China’s Belt and Road Initiative to the ­Victorian government and business community, and in 2017 posted online that it had in May of that year been “appointed as a consultant unit by the Premier of ­Victoria”.

Mr Andrews spoke at one of ACBRI’s events, during which he talked enthusiastically about closer commercial ties between China and Victoria.

But, now that Andrew’s Dong has been publicly outed, it’s being noticed by some global heavyweights.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned any BRI project was designed to boost the power of the Chinese Communist Party[…]

Mr Pompeo — who has in the past said any country that signed up to BRI was “selling their soul” — said on Sunday that the China deal would come at an economic and security cost to ­Victorians.

Despite the federal party warning against signing up to the BRI last year, Labor’s most senior people and its elder statesmen are all lining up to sing the praises of their Dear Leader in Beijing, and scolding the government for daring to criticise the Chinese Communist Party regime.

Last week, as Victoria was locked in the final weeks of negotiations with China to strike a final agreement on a BRI “investment road map”, due mid-year, Treasurer Tim Pallas slammed the Morrison government’s handling of Chinese relations.

Add to that, former NSW Labor premier Bob Carr, UN wannabe Gareth Evans and shadow Agriculture Minister Joel Fitzgibbon.

While there is plenty to criticise in the Morrison government’s response to the Wuhan pandemic, the thought of the above clowns being in power once again reminds us just how big a bullet Australia dodged at the last election.

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