Is this the beginning of the end of the “transgender” lunacy?
It’s not the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. Parents in the US are pushing back against radical Queer Theory indoctrination in schools. Groomers are being hounded out of story hours. The Mama Bears have woken up and found that they are strong.
And the Battle of Britain is turning, with the Stonewaffe suffering a major defeat.
The NHS is shutting down its gender identity clinic for children at the Tavistock and Portman NHS foundation trust after it was criticised in an independent review.
This is, of course, less defeat than it is strategic retreat.
Regional centres would be set up to replace the service and “ensure the holistic needs” of patients are fully met, NHS England said, after being warned that only having one provider was “not a safe or viable long-term option”.
Especially when the lawsuits start flying, as they inevitably will.
The service was criticised for its care of patients both inside and outside the clinic, and it also had record waiting lists. Doctors reported concerns that some patients were referred on to a gender transitioning pathway too quickly.
“The aim is to close the Tavistock clinic by spring 2023, moving to the new provider model through specialist children hospitals,” a senior NHS source told the Guardian.
In other words, the spiders are scurrying under their rocks. That way, when the lawyers start looking where to lodge the subpoenas, it’ll be the bureaucratic equivalent of the old comedy routine of people chasing each other in and out of a corridor of doorways.
In a statement, NHS England said it intended to build a “more resilient service” by expanding provision, and would establish two services led by specialist children’s hospitals in London and north-west England […]
NHS England said the two new services in London and north-west England would be the “first step” in a national regional network “given the urgent requirement to stabilise current service provision for patients”.
The Guardian
They know the de-transitioners and parents are coming for them with an army of lawyers. So, they’re running and hiding behind a bureaucratic fog of war.
But at least they know we’re coming for them.