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The Eyes Have It – Or Do They?

closeup photo of person
Photo by Marina Vitale

Sir Bob Jones

The global pandemic flushed up a seeming interesting reality.

At its height, television newsreaders all wore face-masks. I found that ludicrous as they were obviously well-clear of the camera crew, but perhaps that excessive caution reflected the then pervading fear of covid.

I don’t watch TVNZ news as like most New Zealanders I cannot speak maori, which I’m told it lapses into periodically. Thus my television news viewing comes from various international channels; Sky, CNN, Fox, the BBC and best of all, Al Jazeera.

But here’s the point. I was constantly startled by the beauty of the female news-readers and longed for the day when they would be unveiled so I could view their full facial beauty.

Well, that day duly arrived as everyone (outside of New Zealand) woke to a common-sense approach a year back and these seeming stunners were now unmasked. What a shock! For in many cases they were now revealed as rather plain.

The initial lesson from this; the most beautiful female feature lies with the eyes by a country mile.

But now I’m not so sure. Here’s why.

As far back as Jackie Kennedy, numerous female celebrities are invariably photographed wearing dark glasses. Through this covering of their eyes they acquire a mystique and seeming beauty, but again, once the shades are off they’re often revealed as rather plain.

So what can we conclude? The answer is obvious, namely the more women are covered up, the more sexually alluring they are.

All of this shows how we’ve been conned by the Muslims. In ordering women to wear burqas, far from being in the interest of modesty, the reality is the opposite and is driven by male lust.

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