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The Gloss Has Worn Off Brand Ardern

Gif credit The BFD

It’s a moot point that anyone actually pays attention to Jacinda Ardern these days given her propensity for lying. Remember “There will be no forced vaccinations and those who choose to opt-out won’t face any penalties at all”?

No media are reckless enough to ask for an update on her stance, which reminds us of her earlier claims about looking forward to being the most transparent government ever and that it is possible to survive in politics without lying. It’s an unnecessary question because virtually everyone knows she lies repeatedly, either by omission or deliberately.

The fact that the media don’t call her out on the lying is galling but now the public has stepped up to do their job for them. People are fed up with being treated as second class citizens and being kicked to the gutter. They are no longer gullible or silent.

Thursday’s PR visit to a Christchurch school saw Ardern retreat from protesters who followed her car shouting “Go home Jacinda” and “Tell the truth” and instructing media to “F**ck off, you’re dirty, you’re rotten”.

Strong language from ordinary New Zealanders but brand Ardern still is popular with teachers and government employees comfortably working from home on full salary.

The Christchurch school principal claimed Ardern has support from the local community. But it’s fair to say the gloss has worn off the Ardern brand – except for Labour diehards who will vote for her regardless of her failure to deliver on promises.

The previous day Ardern made an announcement on a low-emission transport scheme in Christchurch and was heckled and called a traitor.

When individuals decide that they have had enough, the tide changes.

Convoy 2022 started at both ends of the country and met in Parliament grounds for a protest that shows no sign of abating and there are more protests springing up in towns up and down the country for people unable or unwilling to make the trek to Wellington.

The people have spoken and brand Ardern has no answer; her PR machine cannot stop them. Those hurt by her Covid mandates literally have nothing better to do than make themselves heard. Ardern created the environment for the onslaught against her.

The best thing she could do is meet with the protesters to discuss an end to the mandates but she refused point blank and is still digging her toes in.

When asked about protester demands Ardern insisted she was “absolutely not” responding to the Parliament protesters by outlining a plan to ease COVID-19 vaccine mandates.

It’s a fair bet we won’t see much of the PM out and about in public these days when her treasured place, the school classroom with its naive captive audience, is besieged by protesters.

Ardern literally has nowhere to go without bumped up security. Perhaps she will do a Joe Biden and retreat to the basement, hoping to come out when the bad publicity goes away. Unfortunately for Ardern, her future is not her choice – it is the people’s and they have spoken.
