2 if you have trapped yourself by your agreement
and are caught by what you said—
The Good Oil Daily Proverb
if you have trapped yourself by your agreement and are caught by what you said—
How to Fix Our Councils
A guide to help concerned citizens organise for the next election. The system is broken.
More Crime and Punishment Madness
I’ll offer generous odds both pieces of rubbish will offend again. And why not given the repercussions are so absurdly light.
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
This is a matter of paramount importance to the country as a whole. It is not something that should be left to parliament alone. The people have a right to a say on the matter.
Dame Tariana Turia – May She Rest in Peace
Tariana Turia and I disagreed on a number of issues, but I greatly admired her integrity and her courage. She was a fine New Zealander.