The Good Oil Daily Roundup
Just a brief note to readers who like to add their own contributions to Daily Roundup in the comments. This post is for family friendly humour ONLY thank you.

Trying to Thwart Reform and Other News
Raise your hand if you had the coal industry saving our power grid and our reliance on rare earth minerals on your 2025 bingo card.
The Ministries of Silly Charts
There is a vast architecture and edifice of piffle in place designed to prop up gender ideology. Right at its base is one simple idea: men are women. But no new arrow in a flowchart, no additional bullet, no number of silly charts can make it so.

No Skin in the Game
Who cares what a Hollywood actor has to say about a place in Tasmania he’d never bother even visiting.
Industry Welcomes New Roadside Drug Testing Law
The law will empower police to carry out 50,000 random roadside drug tests per year – a move seen as critical to improving road safety.