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The word for today is…

appreciable (adjective):

: capable of being perceived or measured

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Appreciable, like the verb appreciate, comes from the Late Latin verb appretiare ("to appraise" or "to put a price on"). It is one of several English adjectives that can be applied to something that can be detected, felt, or measured. Specifically, appreciable applies to what is highly noticeable or definitely measurable, whereas perceptible, which is often paired with barely or scarcely, applies to what can be discerned to a minimal extent. Sensible refers to something that is clearly perceived; a sensible difference in someone's expression is easily detected. Palpable applies to something that, if it doesn't have actual physical substance, is nevertheless quite noticeable via the senses ("a palpable chill in the air"). Tangible is used for something capable of being handled or grasped, either physically or mentally ("tangible evidence").

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