The word for today is…
ponderous (adjective):
1: of very great weight
2: unwieldy or clumsy because of weight and size
3: oppressively or unpleasantly dull : lifeless
Source : Merriam -Webster
Etymology : Ponderous is ultimately from the Latin word for "weight," namely, "pondus" (which also gave us "ponder" and "preponderance" and is related to "pound"). We adopted "ponderous" with the literal sense "heavy" from Anglo-French ponderus in the 15th century, and early on we appended a figurative sense of "weighty," that is, "serious" or "important." But we stopped using the "serious" sense of "ponderous" around 200 years ago - perhaps because in the meantime we'd imposed on it a different figurative sense of "dull and lifeless," which we still use today.
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