The word for today is…
audition (noun, verb):
1: the power or sense of hearing
2: the act of hearing
3: a trial performance to appraise an entertainer's merits
transitive verb
: to test or try out especially in an audition
intransitive verb
: to give a trial performance
Source : Merriam -Webster
Etymology : Today, audition most often refers to an artistic performance, but that wasn’t always the case. Audition has roots in the Latin verb audīre meaning “to hear,” and was first used in the late 16th century to refer to the power or sense of hearing. Audīre is also the root of such hearing-related words in English as audible (“capable of being heard”), audience (which first meant “the act or state of hearing”), and the combining form audio-, which appears in various words relating to sound. It wasn’t until the late 19th century that the noun audition began being used for an entertainer’s trial performance. And the verb audition, meaning “to test or try out in an audition,” didn’t appear on the English language stage until the mid-20th century.
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