The word for today is…
fete (noun, verb):
1: festival
2a: a lavish often outdoor entertainment
b: a large elaborate party
1: to honour or commemorate with a fete
2: to pay high honour to
Source : Merriam -Webster
Etymology : Fete is a word that has been around since Middle English, when it was used in a manuscript to refer to "fetes, spectacles and other worldly vanytees." Since the 19th century, fete has been doing double duty, also serving as a verb meaning "to honour or commemorate with a fete." You can honour fete by remembering that it entered English from Middle French, and that it derives ultimately from the Old French feste, meaning "festival"—a root that, not surprisingly, also gave English the word feast. Because of its French ties, you will sometimes see fete spelled with a circumflex above the first e (fête), as that's how it appears in that language.
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