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The word for today is…

fecund (adjective):

1: fruitful in offspring or vegetation : prolific

2: intellectually productive or inventive to a marked degree

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Fecund has been flourishing in the English language and describing fructuous things since the 15th century. It ultimately made its way into the English lexicon through the Latin adjective fecundus, meaning "fruitful." Fecund applies to things that yield offspring or fruit or results in abundance or with rapidity, as in "a fecund herd" or "a fecund imagination." Its synonyms fruitful and fertile also describe things that produce or are capable of producing offspring or fruit, literally or figuratively. Fruitful emphasizes abundance, too, often with the added implication that the results attained are desirable or useful ("fruitful plains," "a fruitful discussion"), while fertile implies the power to reproduce ("a fertile egg") or the power to assist in reproduction, growth, or development ("fertile soil," "a fertile climate for artists"). Fecund is a tad more literary and formal than either of these synonyms.

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