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The word for today is…

respite (noun, verb, adjective):

1: a period of temporary delay
2: an interval of rest or relief

1: to grant a temporary period of relief to : grant a respite to
2: put off, delay

: providing or being temporary care in relief of a primary caregiver

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : Respite was first used in the 14th century to refer to a delay or extension asked for or granted for a specific reason, such as to give someone time to deliberate on a proposal. This kind of respite offered an opportunity for the kind of consideration inherent in this word's etymology: respite traces from the Latin term respectus (also the source of English's respect), which comes from respicere, a verb with both concrete and abstract meanings: "to turn around to look at" or "to regard." Within a few decades of its earliest known use, English speakers had granted respite the sense we use most often today—"a welcome break."

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