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The word for today is…

whirligig (noun):

1: a child's toy having a whirling motion

2: merry-go-round

3a: one that continuously whirls, moves, or changes

b: a whirling or circling course (as of events)

Source : Merriam -Webster

Etymology : English speakers, and particularly children, began spinning whirligigs as early as the 15th century. Since then, whirligig has acquired several meanings beyond its initial toy sense. It even has a place in the common name of the whirligig beetle, a member of the family Gyrinidae that swiftly swims in circles on the surface of still water. The word whirligig comes to us from Middle English whirlegigg ("whirling top"), which is itself from whirlen, meaning "to whirl," and gigg, meaning "(toy) top."

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