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The Govt Caused the Health Crisis

The other mine. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

After following ill-conceived interventions “to protect the health system”, it is not surprising that these very health systems are now in crisis. In New Zealand and across the globe unprecedented numbers of skilled health professionals have been mandated out of careers and employment for refusing to partake in a medical experiment which appears to be contributing to the harms of Covid rather than protecting against them.

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This screenshot supports the hypothesis of vaccine associated enhanced disease now occurring. The graph has disappeared from the RNZ page: no longer an uncommon event relating to information that shines a spotlight on the failings of these substances.

Many health professionals are now unable to function following “vaccine” injuries. Others have been terminated for daring to speak out against inappropriate practices; yet others have abandoned services they were previously dedicated to, due to untenable levels of stress.

Those who remain within the system are practicing many “safety” protocols which are unsupported by, or contradict, the evidence. These protocols obstruct service provision, are unsustainable for both providers and clients, and exacerbate the growing crisis.

There’s so much harm being caused by a system that’s hypnotised. It’s fascinating, if you go back and look at the historical precedent, whenever a Communist revolution happened, they always started with taking over health care. Whether it was Stalin, Pol Pot, Hitler, Mao. You name it, they started with health care.


The exploitation of medical systems and professionals by totalitarian regimes is a historically recurring phenomenon. The example of Germany preceding and during World War II was outlined in a March 2021 article: Announcing The Lancet Commission on Medicine and the Holocaust: Historical Evidence, Implications for Today, Teaching for Tomorrow.

Physicians and medical organisations participated en masse throughout the Holocaust, in pseudo-scientific practices causing unutterable destruction. They were targeted as a powerful section of society without whom the regime’s objectives could not be implemented. Paul Weindling’s “informal trilogy on German medical atrocities”, Nazi Medicine and the Nuremberg Trials: From Medical War Crimes to Informed Consent, reviewed in the British Medical Journal in August 2005, is a worthy and relevant reference.

Speaking to the Corona Investigative Committee in June 2021, Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav made a strong argument that parallels with events of today must be acknowledged. Historian and author Naomi Wolf, who has studied and written about this era, and is a descendant of Holocaust survivors, draws the same parallels. Dr Wolf states that before reaching power, the Nazis weaponised boards of health and professional licencing organisations to establish stigmas and politicise medicine.

The arrest and psychiatric detention of dissenting medical voices such as Dr Thomas Binder of Switzerland in 2020 and Dr Mel Bruchet of Canada in 2021 are brutal examples of the crisis of intimidation faced by health professionals today. Totalitarian Medicine is a 1987 Washington Post review of the history of weaponising psychiatry against dissidents.

Comparisons can be drawn now, between dysfunctional and destitute health systems in impoverished nations and the current New Zealand system. Oppressive regimes often keep a populace in crisis via control and corruption of health services. Incentivising services to implement practices which benefit the service and/or individual providers whilst disadvantaging the people they serve, keeps population health at sub-optimal levels. The ability of many to earn a sufficient income is limited or erased by inadequate treatment of health conditions and onerous healthcare debt, provoking a snowball effect on chronic poverty through hunger, unsafe home environments and stress, which compound poor health.

NZDSOS Help Clinic encounter many New Zealanders on a daily basis who face varying degrees of impoverishment and stress after suffering an injury associated with Covid-19 injections. Paradoxically, people frequently return to the service being paid to promote and administer the injections, and report experiencing intolerance from tense and frustrated staff unable to adequately diagnose or treat persistent injuries. These patients face losses resulting in high levels of stress and a need for crisis management support which is often unavailable. Every predicament is unique but losses include previously good health, income, relationships, ability to pursue study and career goals, ability to care for children, and ability to pay rent or mortgage, leading to homelessness.

As with other nations, New Zealand has seen an exodus of dissenting voices from the health system for reasons already outlined. Exceptional numbers of registered professionals face investigation and de-licensing for speaking against questionable and/or harmful government policy. Instead of protecting services, as politicians insisted was a principal purpose of implementing emergency laws of restrictions to liberty, this has exacerbated the crisis and placed public health at risk. Those familiar with the Siracusa Principles knew this outcome was likely.

Unviable health system work practices may result from an imbalance between trained and skilled clinicians, and those with decision-making administrative power who often answer to bureaucrats with politically-influenced line management. Community-wide ramifications of this imbalance could explain the general public assuming inappropriate practices recommended by political representatives, such as mask requirements in social or general settings, make sense when they do not.

Increased health care costs often denote a reduction in health care quality, as discussed by author and entrepreneur Max Borders in his pertinent 2015 article The Chart That Could Undo the US Health System: Skyrocketing costs are being driven by bureaucracy, from which this chart is adapted. Does New Zealand face a similar crisis?

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Auckland gymnasium owner Steve Oliver has demonstrated critical thinking skills and advocated for human rights, informed consent and the protection of public health throughout the pandemic. He assumed the right to continue serving the needs of his community, which lockdown magnified. He was consequently targeted by disproportionate Work Safe Covid-19 regulations. FreeNZ first spoke with him in December 2021.

In early June 2022 Steve experienced first-hand, New Zealand’s health system crisis after a friend suffered an acute heart attack in his presence. Steve spoke with Liz Gunn about their journey through understaffed and overwhelmed services. Simultaneously unable to adequately respond to his friend’s serious medical needs, staff demonstrated excessive preoccupation with, and histrionic routines in the name of, “Covid Safety”.

This crisis can only be solved by those working inside the system having the courage to speak out and demand change. Harmful and irrational measures will otherwise continue in perpetuity. The time for a return to proportional and sensible clinical practice supported by evidence is overdue.

NZDSOS challenge our medical and health professional colleagues, including those working in regulatory agencies such as the Medical Council of NZ, to reconsider and modify their role in today’s crisis. We need a collaborative, intelligent and rational approach to protect the health of New Zealanders and save the integrity of medical and health professions.

If you are a health care worker with information that the New Zealand public deserve to know about the health service crisis, submit your story to The Truth Project. Anonymity is assured.

Watch: New Zealand’s Health System Crisis With Steve Oliver
