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cashless society

Chris Sellars

Prior to the last election with a view to writing an article I emailed the major political parties and a few not so major ones asking where they stood on UN Agenda 21. New Zealand has been a signatory to this since its implementation in 1992. Yet like the TPPA, no one talks about it. I received only one reply, from National. They didn’t answer my question but sent instead a PDF of their election manifesto. The document did not mention Agenda 21 at all. Whilst this speaks poorly of their comprehension skills at least they replied. This alone put them ahead of all the others.  Much to my annoyance, I have been on their email list ever since.

Now many are beginning to realise that the global pandemic is only a mild influenza. Especially when compared to the likes of the virulent Hong Kong Flu of 1968. Our own government spokespeople are warning us not to believe alternatives to the official government narrative. Like the possible dangers of the genetically modified vaccine being formulated in response to the pandemic scare. And the inaccuracy of the current PCR COVID-19 tests.

According to the government if it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck then it is probably fake news and is actually a pukeko. I would ask those swallowing the government line to cite a few historical examples of when central government has been right. For every example given I bet I can furnish at least two of when they have been wrong.

Our government tells us to believe the science. I am more than willing to follow that advice. Real science though is not theories espoused by so-called experts. Real science is about reaching conclusions by controlled testing and accurate evaluation of data. This is called ‘The scientific method’ and utilizes such devices as double-blind experimentation and control groups. There has been precious little of this in any of the official narratives. What little real science there is contradicts the globalist line.

Although you will not see many reports of it in mainstream media, the US Center for Disease Control (CDC) has amended its figures to more honestly reflect the actual extent of the Corona Virus. I quote from their report.  “For 6% of the deaths COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death”. This purely scientific data indicates that of deaths attributed to the Coronavirus 94% of people died with a coronavirus not of a coronavirus. The figures for global fatalities from all causes this year is currently several hundreds of thousands less than the annual average over the past ten years. In the US there have been 45,522 fewer deaths than last year. Pandemic? I don’t think so.

The hype and fear though has been and is being used as a convenient mechanism for the controlled demolition of a crumbling economy well past its use-by date. There are plans not only for an economic reset but a major social and political reset as well. I have been informed that this is scheduled for Jan 2021, all in accord with UN Agenda 21. Conspiracies, of course, are plans made in secret. So these are not conspiracies. This is all out in the open. Indeed ‘World Economic Forum’ spokesman Klaus Schwab admitted,”the pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world”. I didn’t vote for Klaus Schwab. I am happy for him to reimagine his own world but not mine thanks.

The US has just passed a bill very much under the radar to protect global banking interests and to introduce a digital currency. It is the duty of government to issue currency not to control it. In a cashless society, every transaction can and will be monitored and regulated. Accounts frozen, money taken, charges levied on the whim of the bank or a state bureaucrat without the consent of the people. Once a nation’s currency is controlled the people come under the power of the controllers.

Plans for the imposition of a New World Order once kept in the shadows are now being sung out loud for all who want to listen and hear. It’s the same old song of power and control just taking another step to a higher level.

I quote the lyrics from a UN propaganda song performed by Pacific Island people in Suva. It has a catchy tune and the video can be viewed on the UN website.

“Around the world we’re closing borders, COVID-19 on the rise
A new world order behind closed doors, the storm will pass, we will survive
We will rise, we will rise again, our isles will rise again
We will rise, we will rise again, our world will rise again”

A new world order behind closed doors indeed ?

This is truly heart rending, but for this particular messenger, not in a good way.

© Worzel 2020

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