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The International Energy Agency has come up with a wonderful plan that the Tyrant can implement immediately and one which will have Seymour worshipping at her feet.

Their 10-point plan to save the world from the energy crisis created by the war that the Great Resetters created in the first place is Green voter heaven.

Most of the proposed actions in the 10-Point Plan would require changes in the behaviour of consumers, supported by government measures. How and if these actions are implemented is subject to each country’s own circumstances – in terms of their energy markets, transport infrastructure, social and political dynamics and other aspects.

The IEA report notes that reducing oil use must not remain a temporary measure. Sustained reductions are important not only to improve countries’ energy security but also to tackle climate change and reduce air pollution. Governments have all the necessary tools at their disposal to put oil demand into decline in the coming years, and the report sets out the key ones to achieve this goal, including hastening the adoption of electric vehicles, raising fuel economy standards, boosting alternative fuel supplies, accelerating heat pump deployment, and producing and consuming plastic more sustainably.


To assist with this bold new initiative, The BFD is offering special discounts on tickets for the night train to Sydney. [Valid for trips after 1 April 2022 only.]

  1. Reduce speed limits on highways by at least 10 km/h

    Impact*: Saves around 290 kb/d of oil use from cars, and an additional 140 kb/d from trucks
  2. Work from home up to three days a week where possible

    Impact: One day a week saves around 170 kb/d; three days saves around 500 kb/d
  3. Car-free Sundays in cities

    Impact: Every Sunday saves around 380 kb/d; one Sunday a month saves 95 kb/d
  4. Make the use of public transport cheaper and incentivise micromobility, walking and cycling

    Impact: Saves around 330 kb/d
  5. Alternate private car access to roads in large cities

    Impact: Saves around 210 kb/d
  6. Increase car sharing and adopt practices to reduce fuel use

    Impact: Saves around 470 kb/d
  7. Promote efficient driving for freight trucks and delivery of goods

    Impact: Saves around 320 kb/d
  8. Using high-speed and night trains instead of planes where possible

    Impact: Saves around 40 kb/d
  9. Avoid business air travel where alternative options exist

    Impact: Saves around 260 kb/d
  10. Reinforce the adoption of electric and more efficient vehicles

    Impact: Saves around 100 kb/d

Note: Impacts are short term and reflect implementation in advanced economies where feasible and culturally acceptable; kb/d = thousand barrels of oil a day.

Don’t wait for the mandates, do your bit now!
