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The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Nobody quite does derangement like the left. From Tony Abbott to Judith Collins to the biggest of them all, Donald Trump, the left are constantly goaded into hooting and screeching like a tribe of poo-flinging monkeys at one Goldstein figure after another. Another of their favourite targets of the Daily Two Minutes of Hate is Rupert Murdoch.

One of the most idiotic claims screeched by the NPC-left about Murdoch is that “He owns 70% of Australian media”. Which is quite false: Murdoch does not own 70% of media mastheads in Australia. What he does own, though, rakes in 70% of Australian readers.

That is, 70% of Australian media consumers choose to buy Murdoch media because they want to read it.

On the contrary, 100% of Australians are forced to fund the ABC and SBS, even though almost no-one wants to watch or listen to it.

In fact, when it comes to one particular government-funded program, exactly no-one wants to watch it.

A 24-hour international news channel which launched on SBS eight months ago has consistently tanked in OzTAM ratings, recording a 0 per cent audience share.

However, SBS bosses say there is a reason for the alarming number, and they’re not concerned.

Well, we all know the reason: it’s on SBS. And of course SBS bosses aren’t concerned: there’s always more taxpayer funding. Especially with a Labor government holding the purse strings.

WorldWatch, a platform which airs bulletins from news outlets in 30 different countries, has averaged 0.0 per cent viewers since it began, with its highest daily share at 0.1 per cent, according to OzTAM figures published by the Sydney Morning Herald […]

According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the “zero” figure is derived from OzTAM rounding when the audience is too low to be measured between 6pm and midnight.

The publication reports that on average, 858 viewers nationwide tune in for Arabic bulletin, while about 858 are watching the Mandarin bulletin.

They’d get a bigger audience if they went and shouted at passers-by at the local shopping mall.

“Unlike other TV channels the format doesn’t lend itself to building an audience over the course of an evening; rather a smaller number of loyal viewers will tune in to watch their language bulletin then dip out, but we believe the offering is an important one.”

In the SBS annual Multichannel Survey last month, the station reported a reach of 260,000 Australians each month for WorldWatch. This data is measured by SBS themselves, and is based on a viewer watching for at least five minutes, rather than an overall program average used in OzTAM’s measurements.

Well, it’s easy to pander to such a miniscule audience, when the taxpayer is picking up the cheque. And how much are Australians stiffed for this dazzling outcome?

The service was launched last May with the help of $29 million in federal funding.

Yet, with nothing more than loyal subscribers who choose to pay, from a national market more than five times New Zealand’s, independent media like The BFD regularly knocks figures like that out of the park.

$55m to keep the flagging New Zealand legacy media alive. $29m for an Australian platform that no-one watches.

Tell me this isn’t a government operation.


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