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The Greens Care More For the Environment than For Us

forest nature environment Green party

In 2016 naive millennials lapped up the Greens’ environmental policy, and they continue to congratulate themselves for saving the environment.

“We love Aotearoa and we want to protect it. Our kids have a birth right to swim in clean rivers, fish in the sea, and walk in pristine forests.

Our Environment Policy protects New Zealand’s natural heritage from exploitation of finite resources for short term profit, such as industrial dairying & open-cast mining.

Real prosperity means clean rivers and air, rich biodiversity, and protected marine areas.”

NZ Greens website

The Greens have a warped view of prosperity. In their zeal for the environment, they did not spare a thought for us who would wear the knock-on effects of their flawed policies.

  • Real prosperity is when every child goes to school on a full stomach wearing shoes and adequate clothing and with a healthy lunch in their backpack
  • Real prosperity is when families are not forced to rely on the government for food on the table
  • Real prosperity is access for everyone to good medical care with funding available for specialist cancer drugs
  • Real prosperity is when no one is homeless and sleeping on the street
  • Real prosperity is when businesses are booming and unemployment is low.

Protecting the environment is necessary – but not at the price the Greens have forced us to pay, which is beyond reasonable.

They have infiltrated the education system to ensure that the next generation of voters is brainwashed about man-made climate change to support their foolhardy goals.

The Greens gave us the Emissions Trading Scheme and the Zero Carbon Bill, which are crippling our farming industry. In their urge to get cars off the road and us onto bicycles and public transport, they scrapped highways planned by the previous government. Congestion is now a way of life and contributes to increased transport costs that push up prices.

The Greens support the flawed RMA process with red tape that ties up development and skyrockets building costs. Business confidence has plummeted.

We must challenge them because their price tag to save the planet is unacceptable. The cost is increased unemployment and hungry, sick and homeless people.

They simply can’t help themselves colouring everything with climate change as demonstrated in their policy “Love New Zealand Fiscal Plan”.

The goals of our plan are:
To make New Zealand a world leader in the global fight against climate change.

To restore and replenish our forests, our birds and our rivers.
To end poverty and create an inclusive Aotearoa.

NZ Greens website

The Greens put the environment ahead of people and have forced New Zealand into a downward slide of financial failure.
