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Greens leader Adam Bandt: not a critical thinker. The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

Hoo, boy: they sure breed ’em different in the the Greens. Just days after ex-Green Lidia Thorpe’s racist, sexist tirade outside a Melbourne strip club, it emerges that the Greens are knowingly harbouring a pro-Nazi pedophile and incest sympathiser.

As the NZ legacy media yet again launch a jihad against a nobody National figure for WrongThink, the left are as usual allowed to get away with anything. At the same time as they’re pillorying Stephen Jack for jokingly comparing Jacinda Ardern to Hitler, Newshub and Stuff are hurriedly deleting old tweets, including a cartoon comparing David Seymour to both Hitler and a Klansman. And who could possibly forget their regularly smearing of anti-mandate protesters as “Nazis”?

Or, indeed, Greens politicians endlessly denouncing anyone and everyone as “Nazis”?

As it turns out, the Australian Greens have a surprising tolerance for Nazi sympathisers in their own ranks.

An internal war has broken out in the Victorian Greens after the party reprimanded a member but failed to suspend or expel them [him] over social media posts defending pedophilia and sympathising with Nazis.

It shouldn’t really surprise anyone that a party where anti-Semitism is endemic would play host to Nazi sympathisers. After all, the green movement was founded by literal Nazis.

But Nazis, pedophile and incest sympathisers are just par for the course in the Australian Greens. Accused rapists, self-admitted thieves and drug users and advocates for bestiality and necrophilia… you’ll find it all in the Greens.

The only thing they’re ever sorry about is getting caught. Even then, they’ll only get a slap on the wrist.

Bianca Haven was only censured, prompting anger from some who had called for suspension or expulsion.

This is no media beat-up, either. The Greens’ own internal documentation makes clear that, firstly, Haven is a senior party figure.

The respondent is a very active and high profile AGV [Australian Greens Victoria] member. She [He] has held office as a member of state council, regularly attends and puts proposals to state council… the respondent is identifiable as an AGV member and former office holder by those outside the party… [and] regularly posts on internal AGV matters… such that a reader of those posts would understand that the poster is an engaged and active member of the AGV.

As for the views of Mr Haven, even the Greens admit that they’re pretty nasty stuff.

The Herald Sun can reveal that last week the party’s misconduct panel found Ms Haven had breached its code of conduct by posting offensive material on its social media.

“Through posts on this ­account, the poster identifies themselves as someone who holds repugnant views (defending pedophilia, sympathetic to Nazi views, defending incest),” the panel’s ‘Notice of Sanction’ says.

“The manner in which these posts interleave the respondent’s offensive content with detailed discussions of Australian Greens Victoria internal matters, in the public domain and over a long period of time, creates a serious risk of bringing the party into disrepute.”

Is that even possible, any more, when it comes to the Greens?

Surprise, surprise, Haven’s Twitter account is hidden, now.

And the Greens, whose leader Adam Bandt has spent weeks smearing Kellie-Jay Keen as a “Nazi”, are all-too forgiving of the pro-Nazi pedos in their own ranks.

Weeks after the Herald Sun’s initial report, [Mr] Haven appealed to the Victorian Greens to amend [his] notice of sanction and was successful.

This updated sanction issued by the party removed the references to Nazis and paedophillia [sic] quoted in the original document.

The feud is another flashpoint in an ongoing battle in the Greens over its handling of transgender policies.

Offend the cocks-in-frocks brigade, though, and the Greens will quickly bring the hammer down.

Nina Vallins, a former member of the Greens who was on the state executive […] quit the party after she was suspended for six months for allegedly bringing the party into disrepute and vilifying members over her views on transgender policy.

Gosh, what transphobic horrors did Vallins utter?

The Greens suspended my membership for six months for saying women deserve women’s only spaces.

Herald Sun

I guess we shouldn’t be surprised that a party whose leader praised schools for teaching 11 year old girls how to “safely” send sexy selfies is going so easy on a paedophilia sympathiser.


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