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BLM: All about the Benjamins. The BFD.

A recent BFD “Daily Roundup” post contrasted the laundry list of Maori-only benefits in New Zealand with the supposed “white privilege” of non-Maori. Like most jokes, it contained a not-so-subtle barb of truth.

“Privilege” in “Aeotearoa”. The BFD.

As Orwell wrote, “A thing is funny when…it upsets the established order. Every joke is a tiny revolution”. The revolutionary sting in the “privilege list” joke is its twin attack on the pernicious lie of “white privilege” and on those few who do very nicely out of supposedly being “oppressed”.

Australian cartoonist Paul Zanetti recently made a similar argument in a Facebook post, titled “Black Privilege”.

As Zanetti pointed out, the suggestion is not that all black Australians are “privileged”: that would merely be the racist inverse of the racist claim of “white privilege”. Similarly, not all or even many Maori benefit from the list of Maori privileges.

Instead, a small coterie of race-hustlers on both sides of the Tasman have weaponised – and monetised – phony victimhood.

How disappointed Martin Luther King would be today if he could see how white-majority skinned people, who identify as black, have unashamedly hijacked the culture and welfare of darker skinned people for their own social, political and financial benefits.

It’s called ‘Black Privilege’ – more prevalent and sinister than ‘White Privilege’.

When you consider the privileges bestowed on those who identify as ‘black’, is it any wonder so many mostly light-skinned folk choose to jump on the ‘Black Privilege’ gravy train?

The great tragedy of the trans-Tasman race hustle is that an astonishing amount of privilege – and taxpayers’ money – gets heaped on a very tiny group, most of whom experience little of the very real disadvantage that afflicts many of the people they claim to represent.

Around $36 Billion is spent on aboriginals annually, including child protection services (30%) for around 3% of the population. The total welfare budget is around $190 Billion. So 3% of the population receives a whopping 18% of the welfare budget.

Most of the benefits flow to urban Aborigines who are often indistinguishable from the “white” population, whom they are mostly no worse off than. The truly disadvantaged Aboriginal communities see little benefit for the tens of billions spent annually in their name.

These largely white skinned people are often seen at rallies, demanding non-aboriginals who have worked long hours to save a deposit for a block of land or a house surrender that land to them because these people claim it to be ‘stolen land’, despite nobody today stealing any land from anyone today.

That’s Black Privilege.

They demand special recognition in the Constitution, despite more than 120 other races residing in Australia.

That’s Black Privilege.

They demand a voice in Parliament even though there already are democratically elected Members of Parliament in all major parties representing the ‘voice’ of just 3% of the population.

That’s Black Privilege.

Aboriginal white activists demand non-aboriginals ‘Close the Gap’ while they create division by demanding special status, treatment and benefits not available to non-aborigines[…]

Mostly white activist aboriginals demand ‘Reconciliation’ underpinned by a national ‘Reconciliation Plan’, while actively plotting to create national ‘Segregation’[…]

That’s Black Privilege.

The worst of these race-hustling scammers is that they unfairly create a perception of “bludgers” that besmirches the people they claim to represent. Aboriginal representatives like Warren Mundine, meanwhile, who campaign for Aboriginal self-reliance and the dignity of work, are smeared as “coconuts” by urban activists.

Have a look at the people driving these divisive agendas[…]

The louder they shout, the more rallies they attend, the bigger the banners, the more money the government throws at them.

That’s Black Privilege[…]

This is not a reflection on the true aborigines, the majority black indigenous of Australia. Many do not have the sophistication or aspiration to rip off the system. They are true to their aboriginal roots and cultures. The whiter the blood, the more cunning and sinister the motivation to live off their ‘black identity’.

That means never having to lift a finger to do an honest day’s work in exchange for an honest day’s pay


Meanwhile, Aborigines and Maori, who lack the privilege of being urban activists, just want to work for a living, send their kids to school, and end the violence and abuse in communities.

And the rest of Australians and New Zealanders, who sincerely want to see Aboriginal Australians and Maori prosper, are smeared by privileged activists as “racist”.

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