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The Height of Hypocrisy from Stuff

Stuff: more hypocritical than Jimmy Swaggart in a cheap New Orleans hotel room. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

To recycle an old joke, how do you know when a Stuff editor is lying…? You know the answer to that one. How about this one, then: how do you know when a Stuff editor is guilty? They’re accusing someone else.

We saw that one proven in spades, recently, when a Stuff editor pompously declared that, We will not contribute to hateful discourse.

Compounding the hypocrisy was that it was from their Wellington editor. To which, readers might respond by asking if “hateful discourse” includes smearing ordinary Kiwis as “white supremacists”, “far-right”, “Nazis”, and “fascists”?

Wedging the beam further into their left eye, Stuff were explicitly pontificating on the violent mob of tranny activists, whipped up into a lynching frenzy by one of their very own contributors, a man with a penchant for spouting extreme, hateful rhetoric.

A recent letter to the editor demanded to know why we had not been publishing letters about the visit of Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, aka Posie Parker.

We have published some, but I’ll be honest, most of the letters we received were not fit for print. They contained misinformation, spread conspiracy theories and used offensive and abusive language.

In other words, they were most likely factual. Given that Stuff has labelled demonstrable facts about lockdowns, Covid vaccines, and the human sex binary as “misinformation”, and that, according to the media Thought Police, calling a man in a dress “he” is “offensive and abusive”, we can treat Stuff’s self-righteous hypocrisy with the contempt it deserves.

This is, after all, the publication which notoriously refuses to publish any counterpoint to its climate hysteria propaganda.

It gets even better, though.

The Disinformation Project reports that Parker’s visit sparked a huge increase in online hatred directed towards the trans community.

The “Disinformation Project”, which seems to regard spreading disinformation as its mission statement, is run by left-wing extremists so notoriously demented that even the mainstream New Zealand left was aghast.

We will not contribute to this.


Too late, Stuff: you already did. Not least by giving a deplorable bully platform for a hateful man to whip up violence against women. Misogynist violence that saw women in Auckland kicked, beaten, spat on and insulted by a howling lynch mob of tranny activists.

And you have the hypocrisy to look the rest of us in the eye and blatherskite about not contributing to hateful discourse?

Shame on you, Stuff. Shame, shame, shame. All the government propaganda baksheesh isn’t saving you from the well-deserved long, slow decline into irrelevance, as documented in the latest Trust in News report.

You’ve repeatedly lied and spread hateful misinformation, while hypocritically pointing the finger at everyone else. New Zealanders have seen right through you. You’ve as much credibility as a televangelist with a white nose, caught balls-deep in a rent-boy in a cheap hotel.

Actually, scratch that comparison: it’s an insult to whoremongers.

Stuff: more hypocritical than Jimmy Swaggart in a cheap New Orleans hotel room. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.


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