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The Hypocritical Theolibs of the Left

The face of hypocritical leftist feminism.

It’s been said that if the left didn’t have double-standards they wouldn’t have any. Nowhere is this truer than when it comes to religion. The same people who pile abuse on conservatives over religion rush to exploit religion whenever it suits them.

Labor senator Kristina Keneally is one of the worst examples. The unflushable quota queen of Australian politics constantly touts her wishy-washy, “Liberation Theology” religion in a way that no conservative politician would ever get away with. Imagine, for instance, if Scott Morrison moved to ban abortion because of his Christian faith – the left would be apoplectic. Yet leftist hypocrites feel perfectly entitled to appeal to religion when it comes to their open-borders obsession.

The prime minister must explain how his devotion to Christian principles sits alongside his refusal to help a Tamil family stay in Australia, Labor says.

Oppositions home affairs spokeswoman Kristina Keneally, a practising Catholic, says it’s fair to bring religion into the debate over the Tamil family’s fate.

She says Scott Morrison put his religion front and centre during the election campaign and it’s reasonable to seek an explanation in the context of his Christian faith.

Keneally’s lying, of course. Morrison never “put his religion front and centre” during the campaign. Apart from a single photo-op at a church service, Morrison almost never spoke about religion during the campaign. Compare that with, say, Kevin Rudd, who routinely invited the media along to do pressers with his Canberra church as a backdrop.

Keneally also twists the Bible outrageously.

“I’m calling on him to reflect upon the parable of the Good Samaritan, which invited us as Christians to take care of the stranger in our land.”

Keneally also resorts to the standard blather about “compassion” and “values”: like a typical leftist, she assumes that her empty-headed virtue-signalling is the only “value” possible. As always, sanctimonious bullshit is the first resort of a leftist hypocrite. Facts and the rule of law, be damned.

The family had repeatedly been found not to be refugees and had no entitlement to Australia’s protection […]people smugglers were watching closely and any perceived weakening of the government’s stance on illegal boat arrivals could expose Australia to a new wave of boat people.

As Tony Abbott – who was also constantly and unfairly vilified by the left for his religious views – said: We are all influenced by a value system that we hold, but in the end, every decision that a politician makes is, or at least should, in our society be based on the normal sorts of considerations. It’s got to be publicly justifiable.

That’s why Keneally the hypocrite has resorted to tub-thumping with religion: she knows perfectly well that there is no rational way to justify the left’s obsession with what is, in fact, a very clear case. Two people who were never entitled to refugee status in Australia, yet chose to have children whom they knew perfectly well were not entitled to Australian citizenship. They have absolutely no right to be in Australia. End of story.

Still, if nothing else, Keneally’s hypocritical posturing will only serve to drive home to Australian voters that Labor has learned absolutely nothing from their election hiding in May.


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