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The Impact This Will Have Will Be Huge

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Photo by Mika Baumeister

Peter Imanuelsen

Also known as PeterSweden, Swedish journalist, Political commentator, Supporter of freedom, kindness and liberty

It has finally happened – This is absolutely MASSIVE.

From the 7th of May, their covid injection will no longer be marketed in Europe.

The impact this will have cannot be understated.

AstraZeneca have announced that they have STOPPED producing their covid injection and it is being WITHDRAWN from the EU market.

This comes as they just ADMITTED in court that their product can cause severe blood clotting side effect.

The Big Pharma giant is being sued in a class action lawsuit where victims and relatives seek compensation for side effects of their product.

“Now we will work with regulators and our partners to align ourselves on a clear way forward to conclude this chapter and our significant contribution to the Covid-10 pandemic” AstraZeneca said.

AstraZeneca says that there has been a decrease in demand for their injection and that it is “no longer manufactured or supplied”.

On the official EU website, the European Commission has written a document where it confirms that the marketing authorisation given to the AstraZeneca injection is being withdrawn.

“At the holder’s request, the marketing authorisation granted by Decision C(2021) 698(final) of 29 January 2021 for the medicinal product “Vaxzevria – COVID-19 Vaccine (ChAdOx1-S[recombinant])” is withdrawn.”

This is massive news.

Finally, after all this years, the product is being withdrawn from the market.

The question is, how many people have suffered side effects from it, is AstraZeneca trying to cover it up – Could that be the real reason they are suddenly withdrawing their injection now?

It definitely is interesting timing that this is happening at the same time as a massive class action lawsuit against them is taking place.

I have barely seen anyone in the mainstream media report on this MASSIVE news – So please share everywhere!


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