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The Indoctrination and Politicisation of Children by the Ardern Regime

The BFD. Credit: Cam Slater Credit: Cam Slater

One of the first things totalitarian leaders do is to facilitate the indoctrination of children. This will condition them to accept the edicts of the leader and become willing tools of the state to further the subjugation of the population. Despotic leaders crave attention, so they seek that attention from adoring children.

I wrote about the soft media stories that were rolled out last week to shore up flagging support for Jacinda Ardern. This was done by using children to push the soft media stories.

Nazi Germany used the creation of the Hitler Youth to indoctrinate children:

For the Nazis, the group had other benefits. Not only did it allow the Third Reich to indoctrinate children at their most impressionable, but it let the Nazis remove them from the influence of their parents, some of whom opposed the regime. The Nazi Party knew that families—private, cohesive groups not usually under political sway—were an obstacle to their goals. The Hitler Youth was a way to get Hitler’s ideology into the family unit, and some members of the Hitler Youth even denounced their parents when they behaved in ways not approved of by the Reich.

In New Zealand, we have teacher unions and schools doing the same thing. Let’s for a moment ignore the abrogation of parental responsibilities by the provision of free breakfast and lunches in schools, replacing parents with the state, and look at how teachers are using their positions to shamelessly advocate for and on behalf of Jacinda Ardern.

One of the more insidious methods they use is letter writing. They set tasks for the children and frame those tasks up in the most positive way possible. This is from the Ministry of Education teaching resources.

Example of tasks school children are set in school

The first paragraph sets the tone: the children are going to write telling the Prime Minister how much they appreciate her!

Then they are to thank her for a job she is paid handsomely for.

And finally they are to express support for her.

If that is not indoctrination then I don’t know what is.

Little wonder then that we see social media posts like this:

And then the resulting news stories gushing about how a student dobbed in her father. There is little mention of how this usually ends up if history is anything to go by.

Just a little bit of research turns up even more evidence of the development of this cult of personality by teachers in favour of Jacinda Ardern.

Here is another example of the Ministry of Education actually sending out a request for letters of appreciation in their School Leaders Bulletin:

Ministry of Education bulletin

The “Read More” links to another Ministry of Education document that again asks schools to get students to write to Jacinda Ardern:

Jacinda Ardern then regularly uses these letters to drive soft media. Sadly our complicit media companies go along with the subterfuge by creating news stories about them, thereby completing the cycle of indoctrination and propaganda. In fact there are so many of these stories it is fair to use the Prime Minister’s own descriptor “sustained propaganda” to describe them.

Here are but a few examples:

The indoctrination even extends to publishers, like Penguin, who prepared this teaching resource as a companion to a book they’ve published:

Taking the Lead Teacher Not… by The BFD

Schools delight in soliciting responses from the Prime Minister as well, publishing them all over their websites:

Naturally, you find that the PPTA, the secondary school teachers’ union, is in on the indoctrination, and have even prepared a resource for teachers about incorporating letter writing as a valid tactic to make societal changes. They aren’t hiding the fact that this is a political campaign either:

There can be no mistaking that the children of New Zealand are being subjected to a deliberate, systematic and prolonged indoctrination and politicisation by the Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, the Ministry of Education, the teacher unions and the teachers.

This should ring alarm bells for any parent, or indeed any honest citizen.

Using children to further political aims by subjecting them to “sustained propaganda” is unconscionable. Sadly it is the preferred method of socialists worldwide as a means to subjugate their citizenry.

I have only found the proverbial tip of the iceberg. I suspect the long march of socialism in our educational institutions has been there for too long to counter.

Adolf Hitler surrounded himself with children and turned them into snitches and fanatical soldiers. Pol Pot indoctrinated children in order to subjugate and kill more than 1 million Cambodians during the Khmer Rouge’s reign of terror over Cambodia. Joseph Stalin cultivated a leader cult built around himself.

Our Prime Minister is building her own cult and using children shamelessly to promote it. The evidence is there for all to see if only you’d bother to look.

I wondered out loud how long before we saw the creation of ‘Jacinda Youth’ or ‘Jacindajugend’ or perhaps ‘Pirimia Taiohi‘. It was tongue in cheek at the time, but after researching this article I’m not so sure we can be dismissive of the rather dangerous ideas that Jacinda Ardern is promoting.

It seems we have failed to learn from our history, that when a government promotes a cult of personality, turns neighbour against neighbour, children against parents, indoctrinates children and uses the arms of the state to persecute individuals for contrarian behaviour, things eventually turn out worse than ever imagined.

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