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The Information Twitter, Facebook & YouTube Do Not Want You to Have: Part 8

America’s Frontline Doctors SCOTUS Press Conference Image credit: Rev

The full transcript is more than 8000 words in length so in order for our readers to have the opportunity to process all the information in bite-sized chunks The BFD is publishing the content over eight consecutive days.


This press conference has been flagged and taken down by multiple social media platforms for allegedly containing “misleading” or “false” information. The BFD is providing this information so that readers can make their own judgement call as Twitter, Facebook and Youtube have a history of silencing conservative voices and any information that runs contrary to an approved left-wing narrative.

A group of American doctors calling themselves “America’s Frontline Doctors” held a press conference on COVID-19, hydroxychloroquine, and more outside the Supreme Court of the United States. Part eight of the full transcript of their press conference is below.

Dr. Stella Immanuel: (38:58)
Listen, let me just put a little bit of that. I have seen 350 patients and counting. Put them on hydroxychloroquine. They all got better. This is what I would say to all those studies, they had high doses, they were given to wrong patients. I will call them fake science. Any study that says hydroxychloroquine doesn’t work is fake science and I want them to show me how it doesn’t work. How is it going to work for 350 patients for me and they’re all alive, and then somebody says it doesn’t work? Guys, all them studies, fake science.

Simone Gold: (39:30)
What was your question? Thank you.

Speaker 14: (39:31)
Last question.

Simone Gold: (39:31)
Yeah, last question.

Speaker 13: (39:35)
I’ve heard there’s an increase in anxiety, suicidal ideation, substance abuse, and various mental health issues as a result of school closures and shutdowns. Is it your recommendation that [inaudible 00:39:48] federal funding for programs will help deal with those issues?

Simone Gold: (39:54)
Yeah, I don’t understand how you would go to that conclusion. If the problem was that the schools are shut down, and it’s causing it, then we need to open up the schools.

Speaker 14: (40:03)
[inaudible 00:40:03] mental healthcare [crosstalk 00:40:05].

Simone Gold: (40:06)
Yeah. I would go to the school. I would open up the schools, because the most important thing for children is to socialize, and to be with other kids, and to learn. Yeah. [crosstalk 00:40:14] Yeah. Let’s get kids back in school.

Speaker 14: (40:17)
You don’t believe that?

Simone Gold: (40:20)
Kids back in school. We’re in favor of kids back in school.

Speaker 15: (40:22)
Thank you everyone. [crosstalk 00:04:24]. Thank you very much. And we are going to be going back live continuing our summit, so you can continue watching. Once we get back, we may be running.

Speaker 16: (40:35)
Thank you so much. [inaudible 00:40:45].

Dr. Stella Immanuel: (40:38)
It’s fake science. [crosstalk 00:04:50]. It’s fake science.

Simone Gold: (40:50)
That’s right. I believe you. I believe you. [crosstalk 00:40:52].

Doctor 1: (40:54)
It’s more specialized, so I have to defer.

Speaker 18: (40:55)
You said that depression-

Doctor 1: (40:56)
That depression is caused by low zinc levels. When you go into a hospital nowadays, they don’t test for those zinc levels. Low zinc levels are manifested by loss of sense of smell, loss of taste. Why are these also symptoms of COVID, right? COVID, loss of sense of smell, loss of taste, right? And the reason is because zinc is the natural thing that used to fight the COVID. What happens is the zinc stops RNA polymerase, and the hydroxychloroquine allows the zinc to go into the cells.

Speaker 18: (41:33)
I’m wondering-

Doctor 1: (41:33)
To stop the RNA polymerase-

Speaker 18: (41:35)
Because there was a-

Doctor 1: (41:36)
Hang on, hang on.

Speaker 18: (41:36)
It was implied that-

Doctor 1: (41:37)
Let me give you the science behind it. So if your lab is [crosstalk 00:41:41]… I understand.

Speaker 18: (41:43)

Doctor 1: (41:43)
Let me explain it a little bit better. The zinc stops RNA polymerase, and it’s used up by your cells in the normal fighting of COVID. So if you never took hydroxychloroquine, you’d still be zinc depleted. We’re in a natural state of zinc depletion in the United States, but the COVID decreases your zinc even more, and you need it to fight off any virus. That’s why your mom always said, “Take your zinc,” right?

Speaker 18: (42:04)
Is the problem with children on psych units that they have low zinc levels?

Doctor 1: (42:11)
No, no, no. We’re talking about the COVID and how that… [inaudible 00:06:13].

Speaker 18: (42:15)
Okay. My question was about if federal funds should be diverted to helping therapists, social workers and other frontline workers to deal with the psychological issues that were mentioned by your colleague, that shut downs in the government and school closures cause an increase in suicidal ideation, and substance abuse, and anxiety. So those environmental factors are what caused those mental health issues. Doesn’t it stand to reason that then funds to help those institutions deal with the problem should be receiving more funding?

Doctor 1: (42:47)
I’m going to defer to my psychiatrist colleague.

Speaker 18: (42:50)
He didn’t hear me ask the question. [crosstalk 00:42:51].

Doctor 1: (42:51)
First, we need to take care of the biological basis, which is the zinc, which is the vitamin D, lack of vitamin D. We’re dumping our milk.

Speaker 18: (43:03)
Yeah, I don’t know about that.

Doctor 1: (43:04)
We’re dumping our milk [crosstalk 00:07:05]. We’re dumping our milk in the manure pits right now. If we would get together-

Doctor 2: (43:09)
Yeah, that’s hard to believe.

Doctor 1: (43:10)
If we would get that to the kids out of school, that will be very helpful.

Speaker 18: (43:14)

Doctor 1: (43:14)
So I’ll defer to my colleague.

Speaker 18: (43:17)
So my question, I still haven’t gotten a clear answer on it-

Doctor 2: (43:19)
I’ll try to answer. Public policy is not my expertise, but I can try.

Speaker 18: (43:23)
Oh no, it’s not really about… It’s not my expertise either, actually. But I was wondering since your colleague said that as a result of school closures and government shutdowns, which caused an increase in suicidal ideation, anxiety, substance abuse, and a variety of other issues, I’m wondering if federal funding should be diverted to frontline workers, social workers, mental health therapists?

Doctor 2: (43:45)
The answer your question is this, I see it this way, harm has already come is what we’re saying. So the answer to the question is, harm has already come. What should we do about that harm? I don’t know the inner workings of the government, but to say that harm has already come, and to say that we’re going to do something about it, it makes sense. To me as a doctor, I think if we know harm is coming, if you and I know we already got run over by a car, I think it makes sense to let me go ahead and go to the hospital to get my-

Speaker 18: (44:10)
There’s a real lack of funding for people in my profession to be able to help those kids and those adults.

Doctor 2: (44:12)
Yeah, I think it makes a lot of sense. So I’m going to just say, to me, it makes sense, and I think it’s fair.

Speaker 18: (44:20)
I appreciate the well-rounded concern. It just kind of stops with concern and it doesn’t continue into action. Congress might not, I’m not sure who he was, maybe you could actually give [crosstalk 00:08:31].


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